Bennet Congratulates Julie Shue on Being Named Regional Principal of the Year

Shue Eligible to be Selected as National Principal of the Year in May

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today congratulated Julie Shue from Corwin International Magnet School in Pueblo, Colorado on being named one of eleven Regional Principals of the Year by the Magnet Schools of America (MSA). The school is part of Pueblo City Schools and MSA’s Region VIII, which includes magnet schools in ...
Victim rights advocates from throughout Colorado and the nation applauded yesterday’s renewal of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and the SAFER Act, which was authored by Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet and included in VAWA’s renewal. SAFER is designed to help reduce the national rape kit backlog. The bipa...

Bennet, Udall Sign Legal Brief to Supreme Court Arguing Against DOMA

Brief calls DOMA "unconstitutional,"? sent to Supreme Court today

Colorado U.S. Senators Michael Bennet and Mark Udall today signed onto a legal brief to the United States Supreme Court calling the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional and a denial of equal protection. The brief, signed by 212 lawmakers from both the Senate and House of Representatives, was filed today in the ...
Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today congratulated Major General Michelle Johnson on her selection for promotion to Lieutenant General and to become the next Superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy. Bennet hailed the selection of Major General Johnson, who will become the Academy’s first female Superinte...

Bennet: Failure to Avert Sequestration is Emblematic of Washington Dysfunction

Across-the-Board Cuts will Hurt Economy, Colorado Families

With no deal in sight to avoid sequestration, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet issued the following statement: “Washington again finds itself at a moment unable to find any common ground and backed up against the deadline of a manufactured crisis. The sequester cuts were designed to be so unappealing to both parties tha...

VAWA Passes House, Heads to President's Desk to Become Law

Includes Bennet Bill to Reduce Rape Kit Backlog

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet hailed today’s renewal of the Violence Against Women Act, which contains his bill to help reduce the national rape kit backlog. The bipartisan bill passed the House of Representatives this morning in a 286-138 vote and now heads to the President’s desk to be signed into law. It pass...

Bennet's Veterans Working Group Initiates Colorado Panel on Veterans Mental Health

Working Group says February Report Adds Urgency to this Ongoing Concern

At the request of his Veterans Working Group, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today announced the creation of a panel specifically focused on the high rate of suicide among veterans. The panel will be tasked with taking a comprehensive look at the issue and with providing a list of recommendations for how we can do a better jo...

Bennet's Bill to Test More Rape Kits to Become Law

Bipartisan Bill Aims to Reduce Backlog of Rape Kits in Colorado, Nationwide

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet welcomed the House’s passage of his Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Reporting (SAFER) Act, which was included in the larger Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that the House passed today. Bennet cosponsored the bill with his Republican colleague, Senator John Cornyn of Texas. For more in...

Bennet Calls on House to Pass Senate Version of VAWA

Bipartisan bill would provide critical resources for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today urged his colleagues in the House of Representatives to pass the Senate version of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which passed the Senate two weeks ago with broad bipartisan support, 78-22. The House’s version of the bill excludes measures that would provide added protection...
Referencing the local impacts of a warming climate, Colorado Senator Michael Bennet today encouraged the relevant chairs of all the Senate committees he sits on to address climate change by holding hearings on the subject during the current session of Congress. In individual letters to the chairs of the Senate Finance and Agricul...