The Colorado Congressional delegation today commended the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) final approval of Colorado’s State Implementation Plan (SIP) to reduce regional haze pollution in Colorado’s national parks and wilderness areas. The EPA’s adoption of the state’s plan means the propo...

FEMA Awards Colorado $1.3 Million for Urban Search and Rescue Team

Grant Will Help Train and Maintain Supplies for Colorado-Based Team

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today announced the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded the State of Colorado $1,365,608 to help train first responders and maintain supplies for the state’s Urban Search and Rescue Task Force. Colorado’s task force (CO-...

Hutchinson Ranch in Chaffee County Secures Grant to Complete Conservation Easement

Bennet Supported Application for Resources to Complete Project's Final Phase

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet applauded the Trust for Public Land and Hutchinson Ranch in Chaffee County for securing a grant to complete the final phase of a 240-acre conservation easement project. “Hutchinson Ranch is a great example of how Colorado farming and ranching families can take advantage of conservation e...

Bennet Praises Finalization of New Fuel Efficiency Standards

New Standards Will Increase Fuel Economy by 2025

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet praised the finalization of new fuel efficiency standards that will increase fuel economy to the equivalent of 54.5 mpg for cars and light-duty trucks by Model Year 2025. The standards, which were announced yesterday by the administration, are expected to save consumers more than $1.7 trillion a...
Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, co-chairman of the Congressional Olympic and Paralympic Caucus, today sent his best wishes to Team USA as athletes from around the world converge for the London 2012 Paralympic Games. The Games begin Wednesday, August 29 and will run through September 9, 2012. “Following the incredible ...
The Colorado Innovation Network (COIN) will hold its inaugural Innovation Summit this week in Denver, bringing together Colorado business leaders focused on creating a 21st century innovation economy. The summit will be held August 29-30 at the Denver Art Museum. “Colorado has established itself as a leader in innovation, t...
Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet released the following statement on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) selection of office space in downtown Denver for the new satellite patent office. The USPTO signed a lease at the Byron G. Rogers Building at 1960 Stout Street. “This brings us one step closer to ope...

Bennet Holds Field Hearing on Preserving Educational Opportunities for Native American Students

Bennet Introduced Bill to Help States Maintain Native American Tuition Waivers

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today held a field hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) at the Colorado State Capitol to highlight the need for legislation that will help preserve opportunities for Native American students to attend college. “In just the last 11 years, th...