Bennet Attends Yuma County Fair Junior Livestock Sale

Stop Part of Eastern Plains Tour Focused on Growing Jobs, Addressing Drought Conditions in Colorado's Rural Communities

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet stopped by the Yuma County Fair Junior Livestock Sale. The visit is part of a two-day swing through Colorado’s Eastern Plains that will highlight the need to create jobs, support family farmers and ranchers, and boost economic development in Colorado’s rural communities. “We ...

Bennet Highlights Young Farmers in Tour of Harman Brothers Farms

Stop Part of Eastern Plains Tour Focused on Growing Jobs, Addressing Drought Conditions in Colorado's Rural Communities

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today toured Harman Brothers Farms and heard from young farmers from the region on the challenges facing young people who want to stay in farming and ranching. “Colorado’s agriculture industry has been a strong economic driver in our state for generations,” Bennet said. &ldqu...;
Colorado U.S. Senators Michael Bennet and Mark Udall are urging the Senate Appropriations Committee to consider an emergency supplemental appropriations measure to help areas address a number of natural resource issues related to the devastating wildfires that tore across Colorado this summer. In a letter to the Senate Appropriat...

Bennet Congratulates Sierra Nevada Corporation on NASA Contract

Dream Chaser Program Selected by NASA Commercial Crew Program

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today congratulated Sierra Nevada Corporation and its Dream Chaser Program on being selected by NASA for a third round of funding as part of the Commercial Crew Program. United Launch Alliance of Centennial and AdamWorks of Centennial were part of the winning bid. The team expects the contract t...

Colorado Congressional Delegation Urges FEMA to Expand Wildfire Disaster Declaration

Declaration Would Make Communities affected by High Park, Waldo Canyon, Woodland Heights, Last Chance Fires Eligible for Federal Assistance

The Colorado congressional delegation sent a letter today to Administrator Craig Fugate of the Federal Emergency Management Agency asking that he expand the disaster declaration to provide public assistance for communities that were affected by Larimer County’s Woodland Heights Fire and Washington County’s Last Chance F...

Bennet Asks Coloradans to Comment on Draft Thompson Divide Bill

Draft Bill Prepared at Request of Ranchers, Local Governments, Follows Meetings with Stakeholders

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet is asking for Coloradans’ feedback on his website on a draft bill for the management of Thompson Divide. Bennet’s draft bill offers a middle ground solution to the ongoing conversation about Thompson Divide’s future. It presents an option that would withdraw unleased public ...

Wind PTC Wins Major Victory

Senate Finance Committee Includes 1-Year Extension in Tax Extenders

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet praised the inclusion of an extension of the wind energy production tax credit (PTC) in a tax extenders bill passed by the Senate Finance Committee today. Yesterday, Bennet led a bipartisan letter, signed by Mark Udall, to the chairman and ranking member of the Finance Committee urging them to i...

Bennet Applauds Final Congressional Approval of Iran Sanctions Bill

Bill Maintains Bennet-Menendez Amendment to Improve Reporting Requirements on Iran's Energy Sector to Monitor Effectiveness of Sanctions

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet released the following final Congressional approval of the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012, which includes an amendment, led by Bennet and Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) that will improve reporting requirements on Iran’s energy sector to monitor the effectiveness o...