Bennet Pushes for Greater Safety Oversight of Medical Products to Protect Coloradans

Call Comes on the Heels of Recall of Millions of Triad Group Medical Products

Washington, DC – In light of the recent recall of millions of Triad Group medical products due to contamination and sterilization problems in the manufacturing process, U.S. Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) today called for better oversight by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of medical product ...
Washington, DC—Senador de Colorado Michael Bennet hizo la siguiente declaración sobre el cumpleaños del activista de derechos civiles César Chávez. Hubiera cumplido 84 años hoy. "Casi medio siglo desde que dirigió la lucha en nombre de trabajadores campesinos Latinos para salarios j...

Bennet, Cochran Make Bipartisan Push to Close 'Comparability Loophole,' Improve Education Funding Equity

Bill Would Close Long-Standing Loophole that Results in Low-Income Schools Subsidizing High-Income Schools

Washington, DC – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today introduced a bipartisan bill with Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) to close a long-standing loophole in federal law that often results in low-income schools subsidizing their more affluent counterparts. The loophole also often means that Title I funds do not always meet ...
Washington, DC – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet released the following statement in response to President Obama’s address to the nation on Libya: “I’ve said from the beginning that our mission in Libya must be focused on preventing the slaughter of innocent civilians. Our military has performed that ...

Bennet Continues Conversations on Improving Public Schools in Greeley

Meets with Students, Teachers, Parents on Visit to Scott Elementary School

Greeley, CO – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet visited a Greeley elementary school today, continuing a series of education events includes school and classroom visits and roundtable discussion with teachers, principals, parents and superintendents in Colorado and across the country to hear local ideas on how to improve pu...