Denver, CO – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack discussed efforts to improve rural Colorado’s economy at the Senate Agriculture Committee’s first hearing this year. Bennet, who requested a seat on the Agriculture Committee because of the tremendous importance of agricultu...

Bennet Spotlights Denver Teacher Prep Program, Pushes Proposal to Attract Talented Leaders to America's Classrooms

Denver Teacher Residency Program Can Serve as Model to Recruit, Prepare New Generation of Talented Teachers

Denver, CO – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today visited classrooms at Montclair School of Academics and Enrichment and met with participants in the Denver Teacher Residency Program (DTR) in an effort to highlight the nation’s first district-based teacher residency program and celebrate the inclusion of key eleme...

Bennet Backs Push to Help Colorado Farmers and Ranchers Retain Access to Credit

Bipartisan Bill Protects Borrowers by Extending Access to FSA Loan Guarantees

Washington, DC – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet joined a push to help ensure that Colorado farmers and ranchers retain access to credit, which remains difficult to attain in today’s economy. The bill, which was introduced today by Sen. Herb Kohl of Wisconsin, extends access to Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan guar...
Washington, DC – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, long an advocate of a thoughtful, responsible approach to oil shale development, released the following statement hailing Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) officials on an announcement today that the Department will take a fresh look at it...
Washington, DC – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet released the following statement on President Obama’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2012, which was sent to Congress today. Bennet is part of bipartisan group of senators led by Mark Warner (D-VA) and Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) calling for the Senate to debate and t...
Washington, DC – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today released the following statement on the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, shifting power to the Egyptian military council in the wake of days of protests. “For the last three weeks, we have seen remarkable images coming out of Egypt as crowds &...

Bennet Pushes Bipartisan Line-Item Veto Proposal

Reiterates Call for a Debate on the Deficit Commission's Recommendations

Washington, DC – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today joined a bipartisan group of Senators to call for passage of a bill to give the president line-item veto authority to reduce wasteful spending. Bennet is an original cosponsor of The Reduce Unnecessary Spending Act. "As Colorado families continue to tighten their b...