Bennet: BP Agreement to Set Up Fund Important Step to Ensure Gulf Recovers, Taxpayers Not on Hook

Move Comes After Bennet Calls for Special Account to Pay for Economic Damages, Clean-up Costs

Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, issued the following statement on BP’s preliminary agreement with the Obama administration to place $20 billion in an escrow for those affected by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: “Although we still have a long way to go before we get to the bottom ...

Bennet Makes Push to Keep Up 'PACE' on Effort to Create Jobs, Improve Energy Efficiency

Fannie, Freddie Complicating Effort to Encourage Coloradans to Make Homes More Energy Efficient

Washington, DC – With the likes of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac complicating efforts to encourage Coloradans to make their homes more energy efficient, Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, is leading a push to keep the highly-successful PACE program on track to create jobs, lower homeowner utility bills and reduce carbon ...

Bennet Pushes to Keep 'Pay It Back' in Final Wall Street Reform Bill

In Letters to Conference Committee, Bennet Urges Retention of Bipartisan Amendment that Reduces Bank Bailout by $150 Billion

Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today urged key Senate and House negotiators of the Wall Street reform bill to retain the bipartisan ‘Pay it Back’ amendment. This amendment, which was authored by Bennet and passed the Senate with broad bipartisan support, responsibly winds down the ban...
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today announced that the Colorado Department of Labor & Employment will receive $500,000 to provide green job training for veterans. “Colorado can lead the country towards a clean energy future, and our veterans can and want to play a role,” said Bennet...

Bennet: BP Should Cover the Costs of Gulf Oil Spill, Not Taxpayers

In Letter to CEO, Bennet Calls on BP to Immediately Establish $20 Billion Special Account to Pay for Economic Damages, Clean-up Costs

Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today joined a group of senators in calling on BP to immediately establish a $20 billion special account to cover the costs necessary to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and compensate Gulf Coast residents and businesses who have suffered economic damages...

Bennet to Shinseki: Our Veterans Deserve Faster, More Efficient VA

In Letter to VA Secretary, Bennet Shares Concerns from Colorado Veterans on Claims Backlog

Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, urged Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki to make the VA claims backlog a priority and work to correct inefficiencies in the archaic, paper-reliant system. In a letter to Shinseki, Bennet addressed the concerns of Colorado veterans he met during his statewide v...

Bennet: Washington Must Increase Transparency, Accountability of Earmark Process

Bennet Introduces Bill to Make Washington More Accountable to American People, Shed Light on Federal Funding for Projects

Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today introduced a bill that would increase transparency and accountability of the earmark process. “In a democracy, taxpayers can’t hold politicians accountable if they can’t follow the money trail,” said Bennet. “We need to shine ...

Bennet Introduces Bill to Prepare and Support Principals to Help Turn Around Lowest Performing Schools

Lead Act Will Provide Training and Continued Support for The Nation's Best Principals to Transform our Lowest Performing Schools

Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado and former Superintendent of Denver Public Schools, today introduced a bill to help prepare principals to lead transformations to turnaround the lowest performing schools across the country. The Lead Act would create opportunities, including a School Leadership Ac...

Bennet: Seniors Will Get Help to Cover the Medicare Donut Hole

First $250 Rebate Checks Being Sent to Help Cover Medication Costs for Seniors Caught in Donut Hole

Washington, DC – With thousands of seniors struggling to make ends meet in Colorado, Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, wants them to know that help is on the way. Medicare beneficiaries caught by the prescription drug loophole known as the “donut hole” will soon start receiving the first set of $250 reba...