On Earth Day, Bennet Highlights Need to Preserve, Protect Natural Environment for Generations to Come

Launches Online Gallery with Drawings Submitted by Colorado Kids Depicting Need to Protect Land, Water and Wildlife Habitat

Washington, DC - On the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, highlighted the need to preserve and protect our land, water and wildlife habitat for the enjoyment of generations to come. To mark the occasion, Bennet cosponsored a resolution commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day and its ...

Bennet Urges Senate Leadership to Move on Immigration Reform

'We Cannot Keep Pushing Back Reform For Another Day'

Washington, DC - Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid asking him to make comprehensive immigration reform a legislative priority. In his letter, Bennet urged Reid to advance comprehensive reform that will address a broken immigration system that is unsustainable for law enf...

Bennet Introduces Legislation to Help Colorado Farmers and Ranchers Retain Access to Farm Credit

Bipartisan Bill Protects Borrowers by Extending Access to FSA Loan Guarantees

Washington, DC - Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, this week introduced a bipartisan bill to help ensure that Colorado farmers and ranchers retain access to farm credit at a time when lending has come to a virtual halt. Bennet's bill extends access to Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan guarantees, which serve farmers and ran...

Bennet: Good Leadership Can Turn Around Our Failing Schools

Bennet Pushing for Investment in Training Centers to Support Principals in Low-Performing Schools

Washington, DC -Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado and former Superintendent of Denver Public Schools, is urging the Senate to include programs to support and grow school leaders to turn schools around in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Bennet, a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions ...

Bennet Honors Colorado Liberator at National Days of Remembrance Ceremony in U.S. Capitol Rotunda

Lakewood Resident Among Historic Gathering of 120 World War II Veterans

Washington, DC -Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today paid tribute to World War II veterans who helped liberate Nazi concentration camps during a National Days of Remembrance Ceremony organized by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the end of the war. Among the 120 WWII v...