Colorado U.S. Senators Michael Bennet (D) and Cory Gardner (R) and Colorado U.S. Congressman Scott Tipton (R-CO-3) released the following statements today cheering House passage of H.R. 1492, which would further protect archaeological sites of the Ancestral Pueblo by allowing the National Park Service to modify the boundary of the Yucca House National Monument in southwest Colorado, expanding the monument by 160 acres.

Bennet Responds to Facebook Calling for More Responsibility for its Damage to Democratic Values Around the World

Bennet Writes That Facebook’s Actions to Date Fall Far Short of What its Unprecedented Global Influence Requires

Today, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet responded to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s comments last week in the Financial Times with a letter calling on the company to assume greater responsibility for the damage its platforms have caused to fundamental democratic values around the world.