Bennet, Colleagues Introduce Landmark, Bipartisan Equality Act

The Equality Act would ensure that LGBTQ Americans are protected by federal non-discrimination laws

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today joined his colleagues in introducing historic, comprehensive federal legislation—the bipartisan Equality Act of 2019—to ban discrimination against LGBTQ Americans.
Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet this week joined 28 Senate colleagues in sending a letter to President Trump requesting that his administration promptly designate Venezuela for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to ensure that Venezuelan nationals currently present in the United States are not forced to return to their home country at this time given the deteriorating situation caused by the illegitimate regime of Nicolás Maduro.

Colorado Congressional Delegation, Governor Urge Department of Defense to Headquarter U.S. Space Command in Colorado

Reestablishment of U.S. Space Command is Essential to National Security, Preventing Attacks Against U.S. Space Systems

The entire Colorado Congressional Delegation and Governor Jared Polis joined together today to urge the U.S. Department of Defense to reestablish U.S. Space Command in Colorado and to use Colorado’s existing space missions and assets to address emerging and transforming threats in space.

Bennet, Brown, DeLauro, DelBene Reintroduce Major Proposal to Cut Taxes for Families with Children

Legislation Would Overhaul Child Tax Credit and Reduce Child Poverty by 38 Percent

U.S. Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and U.S. Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Suzan DelBene (D-WA), today reintroduced the American Family Act of 2019 to overhaul the existing Child Tax Credit and make it a dramatically more effective tool for supporting middle-class families with kids and reducing child poverty.

Bennet, Gardner & Colleagues Introduce PFAS Action Plan of 2019

Bipartisan bill would designate PFAS chemicals as hazardous substances under our environmental protection laws

U.S. Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO) and Cory Gardner (R-CO), with a bipartisan group of colleagues, today introduced legislation that would mandate the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), within one year of enactment, declare per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as hazardous substances eligible for cleanup funds under the EPA Superfund law, and also enable a requirement that polluters undertake or pay for remediation.

Bennet, Hoeven Reintroduce Modernizing Agricultural Transportation Act

Bipartisan Legislation Would Ensure ELD, HOS Reforms Work in Real-World Conditions

U.S. Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO) and John Hoeven (R-ND) today reintroduced the Modernizing Agricultural Transportation Act, bipartisan legislation to reform the Hours of Service (HOS) and Electronic Logging Device (ELD) regulations at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).