Bennet Statement on Presumptive Cases of Coronavirus in Colorado

Denver – Following the announcement of the first Colorado cases that tested presumptive positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), U.S. Senator Michael Bennet issued the statement below. Earlier today, the Senate passed the bipartisan, bicameral emergency supplemental funding bill to respond to COVID-19, which includes at least $9.3 million for Colorado.

“The health and safety of every Coloradan remains my top priority and I am grateful to our state’s health officials who have been working diligently to care for and protect our communities. My office is actively monitoring the situation and is working with Governor Polis, state and local officials, and Colorado’s Congressional Delegation to ensure Colorado has the resources it needs to respond to and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“Tonight, our thoughts are with the affected patients and their families. In the face of this public health crisis, I urge all Coloradans to heed the advice from public health officials when it comes to caring for their families and themselves.”

Bennet encourages Coloradans who have questions or concerns to call the state’s COVID-19 hotline at 877-462-2911 or visit the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) website at: