Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), a retired Navy captain and former naval flight officer who served three tours of duty in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War, released the following statement after voting for the North Korea Sanctions Enforcement Act, which passed the Senate by a vote of 96 to 0.

“Over the past several weeks, the North Korean regime has ratcheted up its rhetoric on its nuclear ambitions and carried out provocative displays in defiance of the international community. This weekend, North Korea launched a long-range ballistic missile in violation of longstanding international agreements. While its nuclear missile can’t yet reach our shores, North Korea’s behavior and burgeoning nuclear arsenal are a cause for concern for our forces and allies in the region.

“The United States Senate sent North Korea and the world a powerful message by coming together for a strong bipartisan vote to impose new sanctions. These sanctions will block North Korea’s access to capital and international markets, and continue to constrict its already moribund economy. With this legislation, the Treasury Department will have the authorities it needs to investigate North Korea’s finances for nefarious transactions that may indicate money laundering, financing terrorism, and proliferating weapons of mass destruction. In order to get the job done, the Treasury needs Senate-confirmed leadership to follow through on that critical mission.

“Years before the Iran nuclear deal was signed by international negotiators, it was Adam Szubin’s financial sanctions strategy that brought Iran’s economy to its knees and its leadership to the negotiating table. With the same strong, bipartisan spirit that brought my colleagues and I together to approve these sanctions, I urge my colleagues to swiftly vote on the nomination of Adam Szubin to be Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence at the Treasury Department, so he can get to work once again.”