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U.S. Sens. Tom Carper, Chris Coons and U.S. Rep. John Carney have announced $7.4 million in homeland security grants that will help to strengthen Delaware's ability to prevent, respond to and recover from natural and man-made disasters. The FY 2013 awards to the state are part of more than $1.5 billion in preparedness grant awards from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Specifically, Delaware received:

• State Homeland Security Program: $3,459,364 to support the implementation of state homeland security strategies to build and strengthen preparedness capabilities at all levels. This includes funding to provide training and equipment to help state officials protect against, mitigate, respond to and recover from acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events.

• Emergency Management Performance Grants: $3,068,487 to assist state and local governments in enhancing and sustaining all-hazards emergency management capabilities. Through this program, the federal government provides necessary direction, coordination and guidance so states can coordinate a comprehensive emergency preparedness system.

• Port Security Grant Program: $927,054 to help protect critical port infrastructure from terrorism.

"When it comes to disaster preparedness, I often say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," said Carper. "As chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, I have learned just how important it is for our state, local and federal first responders to have the training and tools they need. These federal grants will support Delaware's ongoing efforts to employ the best strategies and tools possible to protect lives and property in the event of an emergency, and to keep disasters from happening in the first place. I appreciate the Administration's forward-thinking approach to nationwide preparedness and I look forward to working with the Department of Homeland Security and state officials to ensure that these important measures are properly implemented."

"Superstorm Sandy reminded us of the critical role disaster-preparedness investments play in protecting our communities," said Coons. "When we fail to adequately invest, our communities pay the price. This Department of Homeland Security funding will help minimize the damage caused by natural disasters and man-made emergencies, and ensure our first responders have the equipment, tools, and training to respond when disaster strikes."

"Nothing is more important than keeping Americans safe at home," said Carney. "These federal grants will allow Delaware to continue to protect its residents and natural resources from threats and natural disasters. Delaware is lucky to have first responders and state officials working hard every day to keep us safe, and these grants will allow them to do their jobs even better."

The grants awarded are in support of the National Preparedness Goal, which was established by President Barack Obama in 2011. The NPG sets the vision for nationwide preparedness and identifies the core capabilities and targets necessary to achieve preparedness across five mission areas - prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery.

Additional information on DHS preparedness grant programs is available at www, and