Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Today, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement reacting to President Obama’s announcement appointing Daniel “Danny” Werfel as Acting Commissioner of Internal Revenue:

“I have had the pleasure of working closely with Danny over the last several years as my colleagues and I on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee partnered with both the Bush and Obama administrations to improve federal financial management and crack down on wasteful and fraudulent spending. Danny has a long history working in public service, serving under both Democratic and Republican presidents with distinction.  During his time with the Office of Management and Budget, he has had to confront challenging issues head on and build consensus to implement common sense solutions. He approaches his work with intelligence, expertise, and honesty. I wish him well in his new role and I look forward to working with him as Congress and the Administration work together to restore integrity, trust, and confidence in the Internal Revenue Service.”