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Second Amendment

As one of the founding principles of our nation, the right to bear arms must be fully upheld, and I am committed to protecting the rights of responsible gun owners who safely use guns for hunting and protection. And in Oklahoma, we know that guns are tools to be used responsibly.

Our founders knew that true freedom from despotism required ordinary citizens to have the means to defend themselves. Of all the rights found in the U.S. Constitution, only one—the right to bear arms—is included to ensure that all other rights are upheld. Our founders knew that in order for our republic to respect the rights of our citizens, we could never leave them defenseless to despotism. Although our society has evolved, this right to bear arms remains. I am a member of the National Rifle Association because I believe that the Second Amendment should not be violated.

I will continue to support freedom and personal responsibility by seeing that the government protects the Second Amendment. While I share the goal of keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals and preventing mass violence, overly broad executive orders and legislative proposals that limit the rights of law-abiding gun owners are not the answer to gun violence. I believe all efforts to address gun ownership must be deliberative and open to ensure that constitutional rights are preserved for all Americans.

More on Second Amendment

April 16, 2019 Weekly Columns
It’s now been more than 100 days since Democrats have held the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. And from day one, House Democrats have misused that majority by playing political games, casting show votes and embracing radical ideas—instead of working in a bipartisan manner to craft legislation that can realistically become law in divided government.
March 4, 2019 Weekly Columns

Motivated by the desire to reduce gun violence, House Democrats last week brought up two pieces of legislation to expand background checks required for purchase and transfer of firearms. While I share the goal of keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals and preventing mass violence, the legislation falls short of providing actual solutions to do so.

July 11, 2016 Weekly Columns
As Americans, our Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantee us certain unalienable rights that are the foundation of a free society. Common sense dictates, however, that individuals who perpetrate acts of terror against their fellow citizens must necessarily forfeit some of those rights.  But we as a society should be very hesitant to encroach on any American’s constitutional rights simply because their name shows up on some list of suspected wrongdoers.
January 6, 2016 News Stories

Tulsa World - Randy Krehbiel

First District Congressman Jim Bridenstine said Tuesday he is cosponsoring legislation to block a portion of President Barack Obama’s gun initiative intended to include information about Social Security recipients prohibited from possessing firearms for mental health reasons in the background check system.

January 5, 2016 Press Release
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) released the following statement after President Barack Obama announced a series of intended executive actions on gun control.
January 5, 2016 News Stories

NewsOK Blog - Chris Casteel

Members of Oklahoma's congressional delegation on Tuesday blasted President Barack Obama's proposals to increase background checks for gun buyers by expanding those who would be defined as gun dealers under federal law.

Obama made a tearful pitch at the White House to take action to stop mass shootings, urging Congress to fund more federal agents to police gun sales and legislation to ensure mentally ill people can't purchase guns.

January 5, 2016 News Stories

The Oklahoman - Chris Casteel

President Barack Obama, fighting back tears over lives lost in mass shootings, said Tuesday he will require more gun sellers to conduct background checks.

Obama's move to "clarify" current law on background checks is the centerpiece of the executive efforts he announced at the White House to reduce gun violence.

December 14, 2015 Weekly Columns

Without question, there are occurrences of violence that have made many Americans feel on edge and question their safety and security. Certainly, the attacks in Paris shocked the world by reminding us of the heinous crimes and violence of which terrorists are capable. And a few weeks later, Americans were rudely awakened by the tragic, ISIL-inspired shooting in San Bernardino, California that claimed 14 innocent lives.  

December 3, 2015 News Stories

News9 - Alex Cameron

One day after a mass shooting took the lives of 14 people in San Bernardino, CA, a gun-control measure intended to help keep suspected terrorists from getting access to guns is defeated in Washington, D.C.

The measure, offered by Sen. Diane Feinstein, (D) California, Thursday afternoon as an amendment to a health care bill, is an exact duplicate of a House bill that was referenced by President Obama in his reaction to this latest shooting.

June 29, 2015 Weekly Columns

Often when faced with heartbreaking circumstances or when tested by crisis, Americans come together to lend support and offer sympathy to their fellow Americans. That spirit of unity was recently demonstrated nationwide in the wake and aftermath of the deadly, racially-charged attack on church members at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. 
