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Rep. Davis Joins in Co-Sponsoring Resolution of Disapproval of Declaration of Emergency Introduced Today

HJ Res 46

H. J. RES. ll
Relating to a national emergency declared by the President on February 15, 2019.
Mr. CASTRO of Texas introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on lllllllllllllll
Relating to a national emergency declared by the President on February 15, 2019.
1 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives
2 of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
3 That, pursuant to section 202 of the National Emer-
4 gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622), the national emergency de-
5 clared by the finding of the President on February 15,
6 2019, in Proclamation 9844 (84 Fed. Reg. 4949) is here-
7 by terminated.H. J. RES. ll
Relating to a national emergency declared by the President on February 15, 2019.
Mr. CASTRO of Texas introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on lllllllllllllll
Relating to a national emergency declared by the President on February 15, 2019.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, pursuant to section 202 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622), the national emergency declared by the finding of the President on February 15,
2019, in Proclamation 9844 (84 Fed. Reg. 4949) is hereby terminated.
Why Congressman Davis is opposed to the President's Declaration of Emergency:

The President’s emergency declaration is a power grab by a president who has gone outside the bounds of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constitutional legislative process.  President Trump failed to convince the American people or Congress to pay for his ineffective, wasteful, multi-billion dollar concrete wall, and now is trying a desperate end-run around Congress with his unlawful emergency declaration.  This action contravenes the will of the democratically elected representatives of the American people.

The President is declaring an emergency over a crisis that does not exist.  Vulnerable children and families seeking safety at the border is not a national emergency.  Border crossings are down to one-fifth of what they were in 2000, and apprehensions are at their lowest level in more than four decades. 

The President’s declaration makes America less safe.  The President is stealing billions from high-priority military construction projects that ensure our troops have the essential training, readiness and quality of life necessary to keep the American people safe.  This declaration forces the military and military families to foot the bill for his ineffective wall, and directly undermines America’s national security.

This lawless act does great violence to our Constitution and our Democracy.  The President’s declaration clearly violates the Congress’s exclusive power of the purse.  The President’s emergency declaration, if unchecked, would fundamentally alter the balance of powers, violating our Founders’ vision for America.

Congress is taking action.  On Friday, Congressman Castro introduced a privileged resolution to terminate the emergency declaration using the termination mechanism within the National Emergencies Act (NEA). 

  • This resolution has more than 225 original cosponsors, including a Republican. 
  • The House will pass this resolution on Tuesday, and send it to the Senate.
  • This bill will then go to the President’s desk.

This transcends partisan politics and partisanship, it is about patriotism. All Members take an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution.  Every member of Congress should vote for this resolution to uphold the Constitution, and defend our system of checks and balances. 

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    repName Danny K. Davis  
    helpWithFedAgencyAddress Chicago District Office
    2813-15 W. Fifth Avenue
    Chicago, Illinois 60612
    district 7th District of Illinois  
    academyUSCitizenDate July 1, 2017  
    academyAgeDate July 1, 2017  
    academyApplicationDueDate October 20, 2017  
    repStateABBR Il  
    repDistrict 7  
    repState Illinois  
    repDistrictText 7th  
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