Amendments Passed

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

  • Blockchain Technology Amendment: Enumerates the elements of an uncompleted briefing from the FY20 NDAA conference report on the potential use of distributed ledger technologies for defense purposes by the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and adds a reporting requirement. The report is to summarize key findings of the briefing, analyze research activities of adversarial countries, make recommendations for additional research and development within the Department and analyze the benefits of consolidating research within a single hub or center of excellence within the Department for distributed ledger technologies.
  • Blockchain Technology Amendment: Adds “distributed ledger technologies” to the definition of “emerging technologies” so that it be included in the assessment of what must be done for the United States to maintain their technological edge performed by the newly formed Steering Committee on Emerging Technology and Security Needs.
  • Microelectronic Amendment: Adds “advanced sensors manufacturing” to the items considered within the updated approach to ensuring the continued production of cutting-edge microelectronics for national security needs.

H.R. 8 – Water Resources Development Act of 2018

  • Water Storage Amendment – Directs the Secretary of the Army to consider water storage when carrying out a water resources development feasibility study. Amendment adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 6/6/18.
  • Universities Amendment – adds universities to the list of entities the Secretary of the Army should consider when submitting their report to Congress on the use of innovative materials in water resource development projects.  Amendment adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 6/6/18.
  • Natural Barriers Amendment – Directs GAO to specifically consider trough bars, coastal wetlands, and barrier coral reefs for their study on the feasibility of projects for flood risk management, hurricane and storm damage reduction, and ecosystem restoration. Amendment adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 6/6/18.
  • Public Access to Real Estate Data Amendment – Directs the Secretary of the Army to endeavor to inform all residential property stakeholders of adjoining Army Corps of Engineers interest in their adjacent property. Amendment adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 6/6/18.


H.R. 5515 – National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2019

  • Blockchain Technology Amendment– Directs Department of Defense to also consider distributed ledger technologies (blockchain) when performing their review and assessment on advancements in Artificial Intelligence and associated technologies like quantum sciences and high-performance computing. Amendment adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 5/24/18.
  • PTSD Pilot Program for Military Sexual Trauma Amendment – This amendment added universities to the list of entities authorized to partner with the Department of Defense’s pilot program on treatment of members of the armed forces for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to military sexual trauma. By including universities to the list of entities that can participate in this intensive outpatient program, UCF’s RESTORES program can now qualify for this important pilot program. Amendment adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor, and passed the House on 5/24/18.SIGNED INTO LAW on 8/13/18 as Public Law No: 115-135.
  • Permanent Authorization of Defense Exportability Program Amendment – Permanently authorizes the Defense Exportability Feature Pilot Program, which encourages program management to design and develop technology protection features in systems during the research and development state. Specifically, this program implements anti-tamper technologies and other system engineering activities meant to prevent or delay exploitation of critical technologies. This program is one that BRIDG can work with to help develop devices that are resistant to malicious tampering, while developing techniques to harden devices. Amendment adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor, and passed the House on 5/24/18. SIGNED INTO LAW on 8/13/18 as Public Law No: 115-135.
  • Resources Available for Exiting Service Members that were Victims of Military Sexual Assault Amendment – This amendment requires the inclusion of resources available to treat victims of military sexual trauma as part of the required service member pre-separation counseling. Amendment adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor, and passed the House on 5/24/18. SIGNED INTO LAW on 8/13/18 as Public Law No: 115-135.
  • Confidentiality of Military Academy Transfers for Victims of Military Sexual Assault Amendment – Directs the Secretary concerned to make the application for transfer, including determinations and actions regarding the application, confidential for students of military academies who are victims of sexual assault. Amendment adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor, and passed the House on 5/24/18.
  • JROTC Cybersecurity and Computer Programing Amendment – Includes cybersecurity and computer programing into the JROTC curriculum. Amendment adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor, and passed the House on 5/24/18.


H.R. 4 – FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018

  • Mothers Room Amendment – Requires sinks or sanitizing equipment to be provided in any Mothers Rooms at airports. Amendment was adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 5/8/18.
  • Pregnant Women Medical Kit Amendment – Requires the FAA Administrator to also consider e potential emergency medical needs of pregnant women when evaluating the minimum contents of approved medical kits. Amendment was adopted by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 5/8/18.


H.R. 2810 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 [Conference Report]

  • Space Weather – Section 1616: Directs the Secretary of Defense to coordinate efforts of space-based weather observations, analyses, and forecasts; providing alerts and warnings for weather phenomena that may affect defense operations.  
    Amendment was adopted on the Floor when offered to H.R. 2810. The amendment was included in the Conference Report base text, passed the House on 11/14/2017, and SIGNED INTO LAW on 12/12/17 as Public Law No: 115-91.
  • Report on Developmental Testing and Evaluation within the Office of the Secretary of Defense – Section 932: Requires a report to Congress clarifying the distinct roles of operational testing, developmental testing, and systems engineering in performing oversight activities for simulation and training (programs made at the University of Central Florida). The provision would also clarify that the developmental test officials should have access to relevant program data to perform their oversight responsibilities. Assigning leadership development roles would lessen costly modifications and cost overruns for the deployment of new weapons systems. Amendment was adopted on the Floor when offered to H.R. 2810. The amendment was included in the Conference Report base text, passed the House on 11/14/2017, and SIGNED INTO LAW on 12/12/17 as Public Law No: 115-91.


H.R. 2810 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018

  • Space-Based Nuclear Detection AmendmentRequires the Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of Energy, and the Secretary of State to jointly submit to Congress a report on space-based nuclear detection. Amendment passed by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 7/14/17.
  • Development, Test, and Evaluation AmendmentRequires the Secretary of Defense to brief HASC on a strategy to ensure that there is sufficient expertise, oversight, and policy direction on developmental test and evaluation within the Office of the Secretary of Defense after the completion of the reorganization of such Office required under section 901 of NDAA for FY2017.  Amendment passed by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 7/14/17.
  • Encouragement of Medical Professionals from the Military into the VA AmendmentEncourages the transition of military medical professionals into employment with the Veterans Health Administration upon discharge or separation from the Armed Forces. Amendment passed by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 7/14/17.
  • Expedited War Medal Replacement for WWII and Korean War Veterans AmendmentExpedites the replacement of military decorations for veterans of World War II and the Korean war. Amendment passed by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 7/14/17.
  • Space Weather AmendmentDirects the Secretary of Defense to monitor space weather and to provide alerts and warnings for space weather phenomena that may affect weapons systems, military operations, or the defense of the United States. Amendment passed by voice vote, en bloc, on the Floor and passed the House on 7/14/17.


H.R. 2936 – Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2017

  • Prohibition on using registered federal lobbyists AmendmentAmendment prevents registered federal lobbyists from being selected to be an arbiter for any forced arbitration to challenge federal environmental law violation. Amendment was adopted by voice vote in the Natural Resources Committee on 6/27/17 and passed the House on 11/1/17.