Congressman Donald Norcross

Representing the 1st District of New Jersey
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Civil Rights

As the leader of the free world, we must set an example by living the principles we preach: freedom of speech and religion and freedom from persecution. We must ensure no one faces discrimination in the classroom or workplace. With a monumental year for marriage equality behind us, no one should have to live in fear because they are with the one they love. As a member of the LGBT Equality Caucus, I am working toward the extension of equal rights for everyone. 

Women have made great strides in history, but it’s time they receive equal pay for equal work and the opportunity to maintain a work and family balance.

The right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy and should be a simple and convenient process. My visit to Selma, Alabama on the 50th anniversary of the civil rights march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge was a stark reminder of how far we have come, but how much further we have to go in restoring the right to vote.

Finally, the voices of the people—not the bank accounts of a select few—should determine the outcomes of election and policies of the government, which is why I support increased voter participation and oppose the misguided “Citizens United” Supreme Court decision.  Our overall goal should be to respect the dignity and rights of every individual.

More on Civil Rights

May 17 2019
News Release
Equality Act Passes House of Representatives
Apr 4 2019
In The News
We can take action so that Equal Pay Day isn’t a necessary evil, but a memory of an injustice that we overcame together.
Mar 27 2019
News Release
"On my way to vote, I was on the phone with my daughter, Corey, and I told her I was thinking of her, her mother, her late grandmother and everyone who so clearly deserves to be treated the same as their male counterparts."
Mar 5 2019
News Release
"It’s a rare honor to have a portrait hung in the Capitol but, currently, under 10% of the people receiving this honor are women. We can do better than that, and there’s no one who deserves this tribute more than New Jersey’s Alice Paul."
Sep 19 2018
News Release
"These labor organizations conduct important work day in and day out on behalf of hardworking families, and I am humbled by this recognition of my efforts to lift up workers."
Jul 9 2018
News Release
“Some of our country’s most important values are at stake and Americans’ voices will be left behind if the court moves to the extreme right."
Jul 9 2018
News Release
“The Trump Administration’s policy to inhumanely detain immigrant kids is repulsive. Thankfully, this wasn’t a warehouse with chain-linked fencing like we saw on television, but the fact that was even a possibility is horrible."
Jul 9 2018
News Release
"Now, with Justice Kennedy retiring, there is a new opportunity for extremists to rip healthcare away from millions of Americans and undermine women’s rights — and we cannot let that happen."
Jun 29 2018
News Release
“The public’s representative has a right to visit these children and make sure they’ve been treated well and that efforts are being made to reunify them with their families."
Jun 28 2018
News Release
“We write to you to express our concern about your failure, once again, to recognize June as Pride Month. This omission ignores the value of the more than 10 million Americans who belong to the LGBT community.”