
Congressman Kennedy has called ‘the mounting injustice of our modern economy’ the defining issue of our time. Coining the term ‘moral capitalism,’ Kennedy has forcefully argued for broad economic reform that moves power away from corporations and back toward workers and their families.

Under moral capitalism, Kennedy has supported proposals to end predatory corporate practices like non-compete and no-poach agreements, crack down on corporate consolidation, strengthen anti-trust enforcement and disincentivize stock buy-backs. He supports a progressive taxation system where the wealthy pay their fair share and introduced a proposal to maintain the estate tax while dramatically expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income families.

Kennedy is a committed advocate for labor rights, worker justice and employee protections. He has co-sponsored legislation to raise the minimum wage, expand collective bargaining rights and guarantee workplace benefits and protections for more Americans, from gig workers to domestic workers to farm workers.  He supports anti-discrimination protections for every employee on the job, as well as paid family and sick leave. He also formed the first-ever bipartisan Access to Legal Aid Caucus, focused on increasing resources for low-income families struggling with issues like eviction and employment abuse. 

Kennedy is the proud author of the Revitalize American Manufacturing and Innovation Act, which was signed into law by President Obama and supports domestic manufacturing jobs and innovation across the country.

To read extensively about Joe’s economic policy, click here.