
June 5, 2018 Blog
On what was actually his 501st day in office, President Trump celebrated with a self-congratulatory tweet touting the ‘Best Economy & Jobs EVER.’
May 25, 2018 Blog
In one promise after another, President Trump – aka the self-proclaimed ‘king of debt’ – told the American people that his Administration would ‘get rid of’ trillions of dollars of debt.
May 25, 2018 Blog
ATTENTION: A new Gallup poll reveals the American people give the Trump Administration the lowest-ever ethics rating given to a White House.
May 24, 2018 Blog
Tonight, Leader Pelosi joined Chris Cuomo for CNN’s Live Pelosi Town Hall.  The Leader spoke about the Democrats’ bold economic agenda for the future A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future which aims to increase wages, while lowering costs for hard-working families.  She highlighted the energy throughout the country mobilizing in support of this alternative to the GOP’s raw deal. 
May 23, 2018 Blog
However, in the first year of the Trump Administration, 16 of the 20 most-used prescription drugs in the U.S. actually soared in price by mostly double digits, generating a jaw-dropping $81.8 billion for big pharma and forcing sick Americans to pay more for their prescription drugs.
May 22, 2018 Blog
The Trump Administration is perpetuating an unprecedented culture of corruption, cronyism and abuse of taxpayer money .  Nowhere is that more visible – or more damaging – than in the Trump Toxic Team’s sell-out of our environment to their polluter donors.
May 17, 2018 Blog
Tomorrow, House Republicans are bringing a cruel Farm Bill to the floor that abandons America’s farmers and ranchers who are struggling with plummeting prices and the damage of the Trump Tariffs and economic uncertainty.
May 15, 2018 Blog
President Trump likes to downplay Russia’s attack on our democracy and continues to undermine the legitimacy of the Special Counsel’s investigation into the Trump-Russia scandal – calling it a “witch hunt” and “based on an illegal act.”  The President is making things up again.  Unlike the GOP’s three-year Benghazi investigation, which found no wrongdoing whatsoever, the Special Counsel’s investigation has resulted in 22 indictments and five guilty pleas. 
May 14, 2018 Blog
Apparently, President Trump – who spent the last two years claiming he was going to ‘make America great again’ and put ‘America First’ is more concerned about jobs lost overseas than here at home. On Sunday, he tweeted:
May 11, 2018 Blog
Every day since the passage of the Republican tax bill, the proof it benefits the special interests over middle class Americans and their families keeps piling up. Now, Wall Street Journal reports the biggest corporations are buying back their own stock at a record high pace, thanks to the GOP tax scam:
