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Congressman Gonzalez is proud to represent a thriving agricultural community of more than 8,000 farms totaling upwards of 4,303,286 acres. The 15th District of Texas is home to a diverse array of produce, specialty crop, and livestock operations. The district is known for its citrus, cotton, sugarcane, sorghum, and cattle ranching operations.  

Transportation & Infrastructure

Congressman Gonzalez is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all South Texans as well as ensuring that people are able to travel or transport goods safely through the region.

Foreign Relations

Congressman Gonzalez firmly believes that a strong national defense, free and fair international trade, and diplomacy are the keys to American global leadership.  The congressman supports efforts to improve national security, promote democracy, bolster our allies, and hold bad actors accountable for their efforts to destabilize the international community.


Congressman Gonzalez has long been a voice for the American consumers and an advocate for fiscally-responsible policies that encourage economic growth and job creation in South Texas. Congressman Gonzalez supports updating our nation’s tax regime so that all Americans benefit from the nation’s tax system equitably.


Congressman Gonzalez firmly believes that children are the future and that all children deserve a quality education from nursery school to college and beyond.

Energy & Environment

Congressman Gonzalez supports an all-the-above approach to energy and understands the importance of American energy not only to power our cars and homes, but also as a national security issue and a job creator.

Health Care

All South Texans deserve access to affordable, quality health care, especially those who live in rural communities and medically underserved areas. Unfortunately, South Texas is home to a large uninsured or underinsured population. Congressman Gonzalez is working with his colleagues to develop innovative ideas that lower health care costs and provide better coverage for more people.

Seniors & Medicare

For decades, Medicare and Social Security have helped millions of Americans retire comfortably after a lifetime of work. As a country, we made a promise to protect our elderly and ensure they would have reliable access to the resources and support that they earned.

Veterans & Our Military

More than 600 guardsmen, more than 34,000 veterans, and 780 servicemembers call the 15th District home. There are two National Guard facilities and several defense equipment and parts manufacturers located in the congressman’s district.