Press Release ● Jobs and Economy
For Immediate Release: 
April 3, 2020
Contact Info: 
Mariel Saez 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on the March jobs report: 

“This morning's jobs report reflects the loss of jobs as the economy shuts down while we work to stop the spread of coronavirus.  Unfortunately, this report doesn't even show the full extent of the economic pain millions of Americans are experiencing. The unemployment rate, which went from 3.5% to 4.4%, was the largest monthly rate increase since 1975 - and it only reflects data through the middle of March, before many stay-at-home orders began. 
"We know that our economy will not fully recover if we cannot get the coronavirus pandemic under control. We must work together as a nation to protect those who are vulnerable, and we must do our part to prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed and facing impossible decisions about who ought to receive lifesaving care.  
That’s why House Democrats moved quickly to pass three bills providing tools to fight the pandemic and help families cope with the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The CARES Act provides hundreds of billions of dollars of incentives for businesses to keep workers on their payrolls through the downturn, provides economic impact payments to most families, and includes an extra $600 a week for those who lose their jobs and seek unemployment insurance benefits.  Moreover, we made sure that these unemployment benefits would be extended to workers in the gig economy, the self-employed, and contractors.  House Democrats will continue to do whatever is necessary to help all workers and their families make ends meet and to ensure that their jobs will be waiting for them when it is safe to return to work. 
“America is a resilient nation with a resilient workforce.  Today’s unprecedented job losses will be tomorrow’s record of resurgence, accompanied by stories of courage and perseverance as we banded together to defeat this virus and save countless lives.”