The House is now taking the following vote, beginning with Group 1 (Rep. Abraham to Rep. Cohen):
  1. H.Res. 1224 – Rule Providing for Consideration of H.R. 8294 – National Apprenticeship Act of 2020 (Rep. Davis (CA) – Education and Labor) – VOTE YES – Minimum of 5 minutes 
This is the last vote for the day
**For the health of all Members and staff and to limit the number of people on the House Floor, Members are asked to come to the Floor only during their voting group's window and are encouraged to exit the House Floor and the surrounding areas immediately after voting. 

As occupancy on the House Floor will be limited to facilitate social distancing, Members are advised that the House Gallery will be open and available to use during the vote series

Following this vote, the House will begin consideration of H.R. 8294.  Any recorded votes requested will be postponed until tomorrow.

If you have any questions please contact: Shuwanza Goff, Ray Salazar, or Deborah Rowe at 5-3130.