
Congressman Luján believes that all seniors should be able to receive their earned benefits and live with dignity. 

Protecting Social Security and Medicare

Congressman Luján understands how important Social Security and Medicare are for New Mexico’s seniors. Congressman Luján is a cosponsor of the Social Security 2100 Act to protect and expand social security benefits for current and future generations.  T The Congressman supported  the full repeal of the Medicare Access to Rehabilitation Services Act. This ensures seniors have full access to outpatient therapy covered by their Medicare plan.  

Lowering Prescription Drug Prices

Congressman Luján believes that no senior should have to choose between paying for their medication and buying groceries. We must act swiftly to address the rising cost of prescription drugs in this country. Luján supports negotiation for prescription drug prices, increased cost transparency,  and holding companies accountable for price gouging patients.

Supporting Our Seniors

Congressman Luján believes that all seniors should be able to live with dignity. He supports innovative models that allow seniors to make the care choices that are right for them and their families, such as the Care Corps program. This program would provide support for family caregivers and help meet the growing demand for the care of aging and disabled Americans. 

The Congressman is also an ardent supporter of the Older Americans Act, which provides funding for everything from nutrition programs like Meals on Wheels, to adult day care, to transportation services for medical appointments.
