
April 1, 2020 Op-Ed

The coronavirus pandemic is an unprecedented crisis that requires an unprecedented solution. To do my part, I took the risky journey back to the Capitol this past week to help the U.S. House of Representatives meet a quorum and cast my vote in favor of the Coronavirus Aid, Recovery and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

March 16, 2020 Op-Ed

As we face this monumental coronavirus crisis, House Democrats are prioritizing families first in our coronavirus relief efforts.

November 1, 2017 Op-Ed

As a Floridian, I know we are blessed by natural wonders like the Everglades and our world-class estuaries. But in recent decades, their ecological health has been threatened by pollution, hazardous waste and challenges like stormwater runoff that come with a growing population.

September 29, 2017 Op-Ed

Any time a hurricane barrels toward our coasts, as Irma and Maria did with great ferocity, our priorities must be protecting people and securing our homes and businesses. That includes protecting everyone from the dangerous toxic chemicals and pollution that can be unleashed by destructive storms.