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Adams Introduces Army Security Agency Monument Act

May 24, 2019
Press Release

Washington, DC — Ahead of Memorial Day, Congresswomen Alma S. Adams (NC-12) and Vicky Hartzler (MO-4) introduced the bipartisan Army Security Agency Monument Act.  The bill would establish a monument at Arlington National Cemetery to honor veterans of the Army Security Agency (ASA).


The ASA was the signals intelligence branch of the U.S. Army and served critical roles during World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and throughout the Cold War era. The Agency was responsible for numerous essential duties, including intelligence gathering, security of Army communications and electronic counter measure operations. However, many of the activities the ASA engaged in have only recently been declassified.


“The Army Security Agency played a vital role in keeping our soldiers and our country safe. Yet, due to the covert nature of their service, veterans of the ASA don’t receive the recognition they deserve,” said Congresswoman Adams. “Establishing a monument for ASA veterans at Arlington National Cemetery will honor their service and sacrifice.”

