Summary: H.R.4651 — 114th Congress (2015-2016)All Information (Except Text)

There is one summary for H.R.4651. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in House (02/29/2016)

Digital Security Commission Act of 2016

This bill establishes in the legislative branch the National Commission on Security and Technology Challenges to assess, and make recommendations for policy and practice concerning, the issue of multiple security interests in the digital world, including public safety, privacy, national security, and communications and data protection, both now and throughout the next 10 years.

Members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House and Senate majority leader (eight members), the minority leaders in the House and the Senate (eight members), and the President (one member) from among U.S. citizens with significant knowledge and primary experience in:

  • cryptography,
  • global commerce and economics,
  • federal law enforcement,
  • state and local law enforcement,
  • the consumer-facing technology sector,
  • the enterprise technology sector,
  • the intelligence community, and
  • the privacy and civil liberties community.