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Jobs and Economic Growth

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February 4, 2020 Press Release
"Tonight, we heard a progress report from President Trump and one thing is clear: this is truly the story of the Great American Comeback."
December 19, 2019 Press Release
“American trade impacts every North Carolina business and family. That’s why we just passed USMCA today, a trade deal that will protect and expand American jobs and find new international customers for our made in North Carolina products. This historic trade deal should have been passed months ago, and the loss of that partisan drag is immeasurable; however, I am glad we have closed out the decade by passing a trade deal that will prepare our workers, farmers, and employers for a prosperous future.”
December 19, 2019 Press Release
“I will not allow hardworking North Carolinians to subsidize mansions for millionaires in states like New York and California. Even worse – and just the day after attempting to overturn the votes of 63 million Americans – the House majority's legislation will shrink the tax base, meaning lower- and middle-income families will likely take on a larger share of taxes to offset cuts for the wealthy. This week has made crystal clear how out of touch House Democrats really are.”
December 17, 2019 Press Release
“It’s an ignominious start to the Senate working group when their first meeting is with the chief apologist for an exploitative system and not with the student-athletes that are being exploited. The inequity and injustices in the current NCAA model need to end quickly. That won’t happen by ceding power to the person who has blocked progress for decades. My friend Representative Cedric Richmond and I have the only viable legislation introduced in Congress, the Student-Athlete Equity Act, to end the NCAA’s moratorium on player’s rights to their name, image, and self-worth.”
December 17, 2019 Press Release
“We are thankful for the passage of the Department of Veterans Affairs Contracting Preference Consistency Act. The bi-partisan legislation keeps North Carolinians employed, restores VA contracts for IFB Solutions and National Industries for the Blind and protects jobs for people who are blind and veterans employed by AbilityOne agencies. This summer, we saw firsthand at Industries of the Blind Greensboro just how valuable these partnerships are. We are grateful that they will continue.”
December 10, 2019 Press Release
"With billions in new economic growth and valuable North Carolina jobs that depend on trade with Canada and Mexico, the USMCA means our North Carolina farmers can grow more, our manufacturers can build more and our small businesses can thrive more. For more than a year, the USMCA trade deal was held hostage by House Democrats as they put political games over American workers for the purpose of denying President Trump this huge accomplishment. I can only hope the love for the American people will overshadow their disdain for President Trump."
November 8, 2019 Press Release
I am proud of our work and commitment to closing the digital divide in North Carolina. Access to high-speed broadband brings new prosperity to our rural areas and extends limitless opportunities for our entrepreneurs, farmers, students and health care professionals. This grant program will foster new connectivity for nearly 8,750 households in North Carolina and continue our hard-fought progress to break through a new digital frontier.
July 10, 2019 Press Release
Stripping young adults of the dignity of work because of a student loan burden is counter to our American ideals and the ladder of upward mobility. Instead of forcing our future leaders into a debt trap, we should be giving them every opportunity to succeed. The government should not be in the position to tell someone they don’t have the right to contribute to our communities and improve their life.
May 30, 2019 Press Release
This solution recognizes our dire fiscal health by reducing foreign aid and putting America and American recovery efforts first. As the President has said on multiple occasions, we must prioritize our domestic needs first and put American citizens at the front of the line, especially since they foot the bill.
May 10, 2019 Press Release
The program offers capital gains tax relief to investors for new investment in designated "Opportunity Zones." On average, the median family income in an Opportunity Zone is 37 percent below the State median. Opportunity Zones are anticipated to spur $100 billion in private capital investment.