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Tax Reform

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More on Tax Reform

December 19, 2019 Press Release
“I will not allow hardworking North Carolinians to subsidize mansions for millionaires in states like New York and California. Even worse – and just the day after attempting to overturn the votes of 63 million Americans – the House majority's legislation will shrink the tax base, meaning lower- and middle-income families will likely take on a larger share of taxes to offset cuts for the wealthy. This week has made crystal clear how out of touch House Democrats really are.”
December 17, 2019 Press Release
“Including these provisions and initiatives will help break the cycle of poverty in North Carolina and across the rest of the country. Churches, charities, and schools are better equipped to empower Americans and pave the way for future prosperity. These provisions will improve school choice and increase graduation rates, while also ensuring that the critical work of churches and charities is not restricted by burdensome taxes and fees.”
December 17, 2019 Press Release
“It’s an ignominious start to the Senate working group when their first meeting is with the chief apologist for an exploitative system and not with the student-athletes that are being exploited. The inequity and injustices in the current NCAA model need to end quickly. That won’t happen by ceding power to the person who has blocked progress for decades. My friend Representative Cedric Richmond and I have the only viable legislation introduced in Congress, the Student-Athlete Equity Act, to end the NCAA’s moratorium on player’s rights to their name, image, and self-worth.”
December 2, 2019 Press Release
"People not the government offer the best solutions to solve the ailments that face our society, and by supporting charities, we make our communities and our country a better place for Americans from all walks of life. The Universal Charitable Giving Act allows everyone to deduct charitable giving, regardless of itemizing status while increasing support for the great work our faith-based and charitable organizations contribute."
May 10, 2019 Press Release
The program offers capital gains tax relief to investors for new investment in designated "Opportunity Zones." On average, the median family income in an Opportunity Zone is 37 percent below the State median. Opportunity Zones are anticipated to spur $100 billion in private capital investment.
April 26, 2019 Press Release
We must do all we can to protect churches and charities on the frontline of our battle against the generational cycles of poverty and the traps of government dependence from unnecessary taxes and strenuous compliance processes. I am thankful this strong group of non-profits has made their voices heard and highlighted the need to keep reforming our tax code so our communities can prosper.
March 6, 2019 Press Release
Churches and charities serve on the frontline of our battle against the generational cycles of poverty and the traps of government dependence. Washington should ensure their work in our communities is not restricted by unnecessary taxes and strenuous compliance processes.
December 20, 2018 Press Release
Never in our nation’s history have we placed a tax on places of worship, always respecting the sanctity of our religious liberty. In this season of giving, our charities and churches should be encouraged to know that the House is dedicated to stopping new taxes and compliance fees that threaten to impede the life-altering work they perform in each of our communities.
November 29, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Representative Mark Walker (R-N.C.) today released the following statement after text from his legislation, H.R. 6460, the Lessening Impediments From Taxes (LIFT) for Charities Act was proposed as an amendment to H.R. 88, the Retirement, Savings, and Other Tax Relief Act by House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas): 

September 28, 2018 Press Release
"North Carolina families are winning again and we want to continue the momentum. Tax Reform 2.0 will provide our families and local employers more certainty, solidifying lower taxes, a permanent doubling of the Child Tax Credit and the first-ever Paid Family Leave Credit, while lowering the share of the tax burden for middle-income workers and raising it for millionaires."