Have you heard?

Dear Friend,

On December 28, roughly 1.3 million American workers lost crucial unemployment insurance benefits – cutting off a vital lifeline families rely on to make ends meet while they look for a job.

I sent three letters urging House Speaker Boehner to allow a vote to extend unemployment benefits. It is the right thing to do for millions of Americans who are trying to support their families, and it is the right thing to do for our economy. As your representative in Congress, I want to hear from you on this issue.

California’s unemployment rate remains above the national average at 8.9 percent, and there are still 1.3 million fewer jobs than there were before the Great Recession. While our economy continues to recover from the economic downturn, American families searching for a job should not be left out in the cold. Fill out this survey to let me know what you think.

As always, it is an honor to represent you in the U.S. Congress. Please do not hesitate to contact my East Bay offices to let us know how we can help at 925-460-5100 or 510-370-3322. For questions or comments regarding federal legislation, contact my Washington, DC office at 202-225-5065.

To stay in touch, please connect with me on Twitter @RepSwalwell and on Facebook.  If you have not done so already, please sign up to continue receiving my e-newsletter.


Eric Swalwell
Member of Congress