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Committees and Caucuses

Committee Assignments

Rules Committee

Ranking Republican

The Rules Committee has two broad categories of jurisdiction: special orders for the consideration of legislation (known as “special rules” or “rules”) and original jurisdiction matters. A special rule provides the terms and conditions of debate on a measure or matter, consideration of which constitutes the bulk of the work of the Rules Committee. The committee also considers original jurisdiction measures, which commonly represent changes to the standing rules of the House.

Appropriations Committee

Vice Ranking Republican

This Committee has jurisdiction over spending measures, including appropriations bills that fund all federal government agencies. There are 12 subcommittees, each with jurisdiction over an annual appropriations bill. While I currently serve as Ranking Republican of the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies, I am also a member of the Subcommittee on Defense


Caucus Memberships

Aerospace Caucus
Air Force Caucus
Air Mobility Caucus
Apprentinceship Caucus
Army Caucus
Baltic Caucus
Career & Technical Education Caucus
Caucus of the Humane Bond
Congressional Battlefield Caucus
Congressional Caucus on U.S.-Turkish Relations and Turkish Americans
Congressional Coalition on Adoption
Congressional Friends of Denmark Caucus, Co-Chair
Congressional Friends of Swedish Caucus
Congressional History Caucus
Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus
Congressional TRIO Caucus
Conservative Opportunity Society
Depot Caucus
Friends of Australia Caucus
General Aviation Caucus
Invisible Wounds Caucus (Tramatic Brain Injury Task Force)
Joint Strike Fighter Caucus
Long Range Bomber Caucus
National Gallery of Art Caucus
National Guard and Reserve Caucus
National Service Caucus
Native American Caucus, Co-Chair
Natural Gas Caucus
Postal Preservation Caucus
Pre-K Caucus, Co-Chair
Pro-life Caucus
Rare Earth Caucus
Republican Study Committee
UAV Caucus
USO Caucus
Youth Challenge Caucus