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"An Extraordinary Place to Grow Up"
"An Extraordinary Place to Grow Up"
"An Extraordinary Place to Grow Up"
Muftiah McCartin reflects on the significance of working in the House.
Muftiah McCartin, Staff Director, House Committee on Rules
Dress Code for Women Members
Dress Code for Women Members
Dress Code for Women Members
Muftiah McCartin discusses the difference in dress code for men and women Representatives.
Muftiah McCartin, Staff Director, House Committee on Rules
"Finding My Voice"
"Finding My Voice"
"Finding My Voice"
Muftiah McCartin describes the transition from office clerk to assistant parliamentarian.
Muftiah McCartin, Staff Director, House Committee on Rules
"Oh, My Mom's Home"
"Oh, My Mom's Home"
"Oh, My Mom's Home"
Muftiah McCartin reflects on working full-time, going to school part-time, and raising her daughter.
Muftiah McCartin, Staff Director, House Committee on Rules
Sharing a Desk
Sharing a Desk
Sharing a Desk
Muftiah McCartin remembers sharing a desk with the only other woman in the office, Gay Topper.
Muftiah McCartin, Staff Director, House Committee on Rules
Starting on the Hill: Part One
Starting on the Hill: Part One
Starting on the Hill: Part One
Muftiah McCartin remembers being interviewed by Chairman Jack Brooks of Texas for a secretarial position.
Muftiah McCartin, Staff Director, House Committee on Rules
Starting on the Hill: Part Two
Starting on the Hill: Part Two
Starting on the Hill: Part Two
Muftiah McCartin recalls leaving her first position on the Hill to work in the Parliamentarian's Office in 1976.
Muftiah McCartin, Staff Director, House Committee on Rules
Support from Speaker O'Neill
Support from Speaker O'Neill
Support from Speaker O'Neill
Muftiah McCartin shares a personal memory of Speaker Tip O'Neill of Massachusetts, who refused her resignation.
Muftiah McCartin, Staff Director, House Committee on Rules
Teaching the Next Generation
Teaching the Next Generation
Teaching the Next Generation
Muftiah McCartin discusses the importance of mentoring.
Muftiah McCartin, Staff Director, House Committee on Rules
Women on the Rostrum
Women on the Rostrum
Women on the Rostrum
Muftiah McCartin recalls being allowed on the rostrum for the first time.
Muftiah McCartin, Staff Director, House Committee on Rules