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Energy & Environment

Congressman Gonzalez supports an all-the-above approach to energy and understands the importance of American energy not only to power our cars and homes, but also as a national security issue and a job creator. The 15th District is home to the Eagle Ford Shale, one of the largest oil production areas in the state, creating more than 3.8 million jobs and generating $473 billion in gross domestic product. The Congressman has seen firsthand the effects of a thriving oil and gas industry.

As chairman of the newly formed Congressional Oil and Gas Caucus, Congressman Gonzalez aims to bring this Texas perspective to Washington, D.C., regarding the issue. The congressman seeks to educate fellow lawmakers about the production and distribution of oil, gas and other petroleum hydrocarbons, including crude oil, natural gas and gas liquids.

Congressman Gonzalez supports the development of sources of renewable energy, acknowledging the potential in wind and solar energy for both the South Texas economy and American energy independence. Currently, Texas produces more wind energy than most other U.S. states.


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October 23, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) and Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) sent a bipartisan, bicameral letter to President Donald Trump to raise awareness about Mexico’s efforts to undermine the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and substantial U.S. investments in energy infrastructure on both sides of the border. It has been widely reported that the Mexican government is giving preferential regulatory treatment to Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) to the detriment of U.S. operators.

September 2, 2020 Press Release


WASHINGTON – Today, Congressmen Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) and Lance Gooden (TX-05) introduced the Reclaiming American Rare Earths (RARE) Act, bipartisan legislation to drive domestic production and reduce America's dependence on China for rare earth minerals used to build the technology that keeps our country safe and connected. The RARE Act establishes tax incentives for the domestic production of rare earth elements and minerals.

April 30, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressmen Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15), Bill Flores (TX-17), Bill Johnson (OH-06), Jim Costa (CA-16), and Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) wrote to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Neil Chatterjee urging the commission to continue processing, reviewing, and accepting critical natural gas and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects and reject calls for a moratorium on the approval and construction of new projects during the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 22, 2020 Press Release

MCALLEN, Texas – Congressman Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) cosponsored bipartisan legislation introduced by Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) to support the energy industry by providing $3 billion in funding to purchase crude oil produced in the United States for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Representative Michael Burgess (TX-26) is the Republican lead in the House, and the bill is also cosponsored by Representatives Henry Cuellar (TX-28), Kelly Armstrong (ND-AL), Kendra Horn (OK-5), Roger Williams (TX-25), Mike Conaway (TX-11), Marc Veasey (TX-11), and Bill Flores (TX-17).

March 25, 2020 Press Release
WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) announced his support, along with a group of bipartisan Congressional Members, to ensure that any stimulus or relief legislation addresses the unique needs of those who work in the energy industry.
October 28, 2019 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) announced the opening of applications for the 2020 Environmental Education (EE) Grants Program sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA has $3 million in funding available for locally-focused environmental education projects under the program.

In addition to other environmental topics, the 2020 EE Grants Program will fund education-based projects pertaining to marine debris mitigation, food waste and loss reduction, and recycling.

April 15, 2019 Press Release

WASHINGTON - Congressmen Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15), Ron Wright (TX-06), and Ranking Member Mike McCaul (TX-10) have introduced H.R. 2046, the Energy Diplomacy Act. This bipartisan legislation empowers the State Department’s energy security and diplomacy efforts by replacing the Coordinator for International Energy Affairs with a Senate-confirmed Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources.

March 19, 2019 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressman Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) recently joined fellow members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) to pass H.R. 1616, the European Energy Security and Diversification Act of 2019. Congressman Gonzalez is an original cosponsor.

H.R. 1616 seeks to assist the U.S. and its allies reach global energy security goals while simultaneously encouraging the diversification of energy sources and supply routes in Central and Eastern Europe.

February 5, 2019 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressman Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) issued the following statement in response to tonight’s State of the Union address from President Donald J. Trump.

“It is important to note that now – more than ever – is the time for the Administration to make a good faith effort to find common ground with Congress as we each outline our visions for the future of this country. No, I do not agree with President Trump on every policy or approach, but I have always been willing to come to the table in the name of bipartisanship.

January 30, 2019 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressman Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) today announced his subcommittee assignments for the 116th Congress. The congressman serves on the House Financial Services Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee.

As a member of the House Financial Services Committee, Congressman Gonzalez will serve on: