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Agriculture & Nutrition

Agriculture & Nutrition

We must ensure that our family farmers have the resources they need and that all Minnesotans are able to provide nutritious foods for their families.
Animal Rights

Animal Rights

We all have a responsibility to ensure that laws protecting animals from abuse and cruelty are enforced.

Appropriations & Budget

As a member of the powerful Appropriations Committee, I work every day to bring a commonsense, Minnesota perspective to our federal budget.
Arts & Humanities

Arts & Humanities

Federal investments in the arts and humanities improve education for our children, offer important opportunities for our veterans, create jobs, foster economic growth, and improve our quality of life.

Civil Rights & Justice

Protecting the civil rights of all Americans and keeping our families and communities safe is one of the most important responsibilities of government.

Defense & National Security

In the 21st Century, America needs a flexible military that is able to confront emerging threats, such as terrorism, growing regional instability, the spread of nuclear weapons, and the emergence of cyber warfare.
Economy & Jobs

Economy & Jobs

While we have made a strong recovery from the Great Recession, we have more to do to create good-paying jobs for all working families.


As a former teacher, I understand the importance of ensuring that every child receives a free and excellent education.

Environment & Energy

The environment — our air, our water, our land — is a sacred trust that we must protect and preserve for ourselves and future generations.
Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs

As the world’s most powerful country, the United States has a responsibility to aggressively pursue initiatives that alleviate poverty, promote democracy and human rights, improve lives, and stabilize communities in the developing world.
