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Statements for the Record

December 6, 2019 Statements For the Record

As a co-sponsor of H. Res. 326 as introduced on April 25, 2019, I support Representative Lowenthal’s determination to advance U.S. leadership in seeking a diplomatic resolution to achieve a “two-state solution” to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Unfortunately, amendments to the resolution mean I can no longer vote in favor of H. Res. 326 and I will be voting “present.”

May 14, 2019 Statements For the Record

Madam Speaker, I rise in strong support of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 (H.R. 299).

When our brave men and women sign up to serve, the American people make a promise to them.

May 1, 2019 Statements For the Record

Madame Speaker, it is my hope that Members of Congress and the American people can stand united in the belief that justice, human dignity, and human rights are values we share and promote. Certainly, when it comes to protecting the rights of children we should be able to find universal agreement that ensuring their safety and well-being is a priority.

March 22, 2018 Statements For the Record

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Mr. Harry W. Camp, Jr., a remarkable individual who served a long and distinguished career with the U.S. Forest Service. Now retired at 107 years old, Mr. Camp exemplifies the tremendous expertise, talent and dedication of the federal employees who serve our nation, and the warmth and wit that we'd all welcome in a friend or neighbor.

November 3, 2017 Statements For the Record
"While I support reauthorizing funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), the Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), and various other important public health programs, I oppose this bill because it cuts funding for public health, puts families at risk of losing their health insurance, and weakens Medicare."
October 4, 2017 Statements For the Record
Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to recognize Ms. Constance Haddeland, a 2017 recipient of the Patrick Henry Award from the National Guard Association of the United States, which honors local civic leaders who have distinguished themselves with outstanding and exceptional service to the Armed Forces of the United States and the National Guard.
September 27, 2017 Statements For the Record

Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on September 28, to celebrate the first ever National Bakery Day and to honor our independent bakeries.

September 7, 2017 Statements For the Record
"I am opposed to all the amendments included in this en bloc. Many of them use offsets from accounts in the Environmental Protection Agency or Fish and Wildlife Service that are already severely underfunded. I am particularly troubled by one amendment in this group that threatens our nation’s most visited wilderness area. Let me tell you why I oppose the Emmer Amendment."
September 6, 2017 Statements For the Record
Congresswoman Betty McCollum (DFL-Minn.) delivered the following remarks on the House Floor opposing H.R. 3354, House Republicans' eight-bill omnibus appropriations package, and particularly its deep cuts to environmental protection.
September 6, 2017 Statements For the Record
Congresswoman Betty McCollum (DFL-Minn.), Ranking Member of the House Interior-Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, testified before the House Rules Committee opposing the House Republican majority's closed process for the consideration of H.R. 3354, and particularly Division A, the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2018.
