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When Women Succeed, America Succeeds
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House Democrats: Fighting For Mothers This Mother's Day →

This Mother’s Day, House Democrats recommit to the fight for passage of our Women’s Economic Agenda! The success of women is more important than ever to the strength of America’s working families and the future of our economy. 

When Women Succeed, America Succeeds →

Nancy Pelosi’s White House guest blog via Medium: Today, Equal Pay Day, is a date that shines a light on just how serious, and how outrageous the pay gap between men and women in America really is. It shows just how many extra days the average American woman has to work before she’s caught up to what the average man was paid last year. That means the average American woman has to fit 468 days into her year — just to earn as much as the average man earns in 365. It’s unacceptable.

Each Women’s History Month, we celebrate the courageous women who marched, organized, and advanced the promise of equality. Let us salute the contributions of women by fighting to preserve the victories we’ve won. Let us celebrate Women’s History...

Each Women’s History Month, we celebrate the courageous women who marched, organized, and advanced the promise of equality. Let us salute the contributions of women by fighting to preserve the victories we’ve won. Let us celebrate Women’s History Month by striving to create equality of opportunity for all! http://goo.gl/71RgmO #WHM2016

The 23rd Anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act — Digital Dems →

Twenty-three years ago, after two vetoes by a Republican President, the Family and Medical Leave Act was signed into law by President Bill Clinton – the very first law of his administration. Today, while the FMLA provides job-protected, unpaid leave, many working families cannot afford to give up their pay for time to bond with a new child or care for an ailing loved one. The United States remains the only developed country in the world that does not ensure paid maternity leave.

We must lead on leave.  We have a responsibility to meet the challenges facing America’s families. This Congress must act to ensure equal pay for equal work, provide paid sick leave and paid family leave, expand access to affordable, high-quality child care, and raise the minimum wage. The American people demand and deserve an economy that works for everyone – not just the privileged few.

The Seventh Anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act →

Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi: “Seven years ago, our nation took a bold step forward toward achieving equal pay for equal work. With President Obama’s signature, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act restored the rights of women and other workers to challenge unfair pay in court. As we mark this anniversary, let us commit ourselves to ensuring all women receive equal for equal work!” 

#BlackWomenEqualPay #WomenSucceed

#BlackWomenEqualPay #WomenSucceed



What a pleasure to visit with Sheryl Sandberg and her team in my Capitol office. Thank you, Sheryl, for inspiring women across the world to believe in themselves. We know that when women lean in, women succeed!

What a pleasure to visit with Sheryl Sandberg and her team in my Capitol office. Thank you, Sheryl, for inspiring women across the world to believe in themselves. We know that when women lean in, women succeed!

Workers in 145 countries around the world have earned paid sick days – but there is no policy to ensure earned paid sick days in the United States. As a result, 39 percent of private sector workers in this country do not have a single paid sick day....

Workers in 145 countries around the world have earned paid sick days – but there is no policy to ensure earned paid sick days in the United States. As a result, 39 percent of private sector workers in this country do not have a single paid sick day. Even worse, more than 70 percent of low-wage workers in the private sector go without any paid sick days. Paid sick days enable workers to stay home if they are ill or if they have an ill child at home.