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COVID mask exemption cards are not from the government

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To help limit the spread of the Coronavirus, many states are requiring people to wear face coverings in places open to the public. But there are cards circulating online and on social media that say the holder has a disability that prevents them from wearing a mask, and that it’s illegal for any business to ask them to disclose their condition. Variations of the card include the seal of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), one of the federal agencies responsible for enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

The fact is, these cards aren’t issued or endorsed by DOJ, or any other federal agency. DOJ urges the public not to rely on the information contained in these postings, and to visit for ADA information issued by the agency.

For information about your rights under the ADA, visit, or call 800-514-0301 or 800-514-0383 (TTY).

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Comments doesn't have a link to ADA information on face mask exemptions. Searching for *face masks* produces nothing except the ADA flyer. does not make easy getting relevant information.

Our link to is working now.

you miss the point. Your link works but provide NO information about any application of the ADA to the pandemic or to face masks.

For information about your rights under the ADA, visit, or call 800-514-0301 or 800-514-0383 (TTY).

Thank you so much F.T.C. for keeping the public informed of these bogus schemes. Unfortunately, the deaths that we have had in New York State are not enough to hammer home the point “this virus IS REAL AND DEADLY!!!” However, those who are lying are selfish and inconsiderate of their fellow man/woman. Hopefully those who refuse to wear them will never be personally affected!!!!....

So what is the policy of face mask exemptions? The DOJ/ ADA website has nothing, yes your ADA link is working but there is nothing on the website about it. Why hide what the law says on it?

For information about your rights under the ADA, visit, or call 800-514-0301 or 800-514-0383 (TTY).

I experience shortness of breath when wearing a mask. I smother and panic. What is the ruling if you are a disabled individual and wearing a mask is suffocating?

For information about your rights under the ADA, visit, or call 800-514-0301 or 800-514-0383 (TTY).

There is NO information on the ADA website regarding masks for those with disabilities or health conditions where it is difficult to wear a mask for any period of time . If it is there, can you tell us where?

I notice that the ONLY response you are giving people about the wearing of face masks by those with disabilities that are affected when a mask is worn is the same no matter what the actual question is! you respond with:
For information about your rights under the ADA, visit, or call 800-514-0301 or 800-514-0383 (TTY).
The fact that you are repeating the same response regardless of how many times the same person asks the same question leads me to believe responses are automated, or you do not want to give a response that would be beneficial to us!
The point people are trying to get across to you is that the link is functioning without error, HOWEVER, the ADA site has no information what-so-ever on any laws that may exempt someone from wearing a mask because doing so causes a negative reaction that affects the safe breathing of the individual.
It is assumed by most of us that in order to assure the correct enforcement of the law, it would be necessary for the DOJ to know the laws.
Therefore, the DOJ also assumably should know how and where to access an official copy of the written law!
So I will attempt to ask the question in a manner that would require a DOJ response! The question and request from us to you is:
Does the DOJ know of an exemption that can be located or quoted by a disabled individual in order to protect them from being cited by law enforcement officers for violating an official order to wear a protective face mask in public?
And if the DOJ is aware of such an exemption, other than the ADA site where might an individual locate this information?
If the DOJ is unaware of an exemption or is aware of one but not aware of where it is published please simply state this in your response.
If however, the DOJ is aware of the exemption and where it is published and accessible please provide a direct link for us.
It is not necessary or desired that your response is the same one you have already given at least 10 times!
Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter!

Caroline,  This is a moderated blog; FTC staff read all the comments before they are posted. Our replies aren't automated.  And when we reply, we try to direct people to the best resources. Sometimes those resources are experts outside the FTC.

In this case, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is one of the federal agencies responsible for enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act. DOJ urges people to visit for ADA information issued by that agency. So when people ask about their rights, we've said you can visit, or call 800-514-0301 or 800-514-0383 (TTY). 

But there is still no information ON the site that addresses the questions!

Has anyone found any official information even halfway answering this question? I called my local health department as well as the ADA “advice line” and I’m going around in circles. Local health dept says it’s not enough to simply “accommodate” by offering curbside delivery, which seems crazy. Don’t want to risk anyone’s safety on my staff over this.

Under the ADA businesses need to try and accommodate you. For example, they can offer curbside pickup or delivery services if you are unable to wear a mask in a store or restaurant.

Are the bogus "Mask Exemption" cards a criminal offense if people claim they're government issued?

It should be...

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