Congressional APP Challenge

The Congressional App Challenge (CAC) is a competition aimed at encouraging U.S. middle and high school students to learn how to code by creating their own apps for mobile devices.  The CAC is intended to highlight the value of computer science and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education and encourage students to engage in these fields.  By encouraging and recognizing our nation’s young programming talent, Congress hopes to shine a light on the growing importance of these skills. CAC participants, either as individuals or as teams of up to four, work to create and submit their own software application for mobile, tablet, or other computing devices on a platform of their choice.  A panel of local computer science professionals and congressional representatives will judge the apps, and the winners will have the honor of being recognized by Congressman Rush.

The deadline to enter your app is Noon EST, Friday, Nov. 1, 2019. Try to register before Sept. 10, 2019 (registration indicates your intent to compete). Early registration significantly increases the chances for a successful challenge. Early registration does not obligate you to submit an app.

You can register at:

For more information, please call (773) 779-2400.