Congressman Donald Norcross

Representing the 1st District of New Jersey
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America's Workers

Our national workforce keeps our country running and provides invaluable services we often take for granted. Nobody should have to work multiple jobs or extraordinary hours to provide for their family, save for retirement or feel financially secure. As an electrician by trade, I know the best social program in the world is a job and I believe every worker must have an opportunity to succeed, which starts with fair pay. Women have made great strides in history, but it’s time they receive equal pay for equal work and the opportunity to maintain a work and family balance. We need to ensure working families have fair wages, safe working conditions, and a voice in the workplace. ​

More on America's Workers

Nov 20 2020
News Release
"The National Apprenticeship Act is a vital investment in our most successful workforce training program where workers can earn while they learn, and I am pleased that five of my apprenticeship bills have been incorporated."
Nov 18 2020
News Release
“As the country continues to face an economic crisis and changing workforce, we must continue to innovate and ensure students and workers have the skills they need – and this bill will do just that."
Nov 17 2020
News Release
“How we invest our nation’s funding is a reflection of our priorities, and as we continue to battle the coronavirus, we must prioritize the health and safety of American workers and families."
Nov 13 2020
News Release
"American Training Center’s innovative programs provide students and workers the ability to pursue apprenticeship opportunities right here in South Jersey."
Nov 13 2020
News Release
“Labor has shaped my life, taking me from the construction site to Congress. While the Trump Administration has tried to diminish labor rights, President-Elect Joe Biden’s incoming Administration understands the dignity of work and that workers’ rights are human rights."
Oct 28 2020
News Release
“These workers are keeping our economy going, and they need the proper protocols and protections to address COVID-19 in the workplace. Today’s executive order lays out the enforceable standards we need, ensuring the safety of our workers, employers and customers."
Oct 21 2020
News Release
“Using federal CARES Act funding, New Jersey is helping workers and businesses get back on their feet. These workforce programs will help employers provide skill-building opportunities and on the job training, connecting New Jerseyans with the services they need to get the job they deserve.”
Sep 30 2020
In The News

Buy American Opinion Editorial.

By: Rep. Donald Norcross, Rep. John Garamendi, Rep. Jackie Speier, Bob Martinez, and George Williams

Sep 17 2020
News Release
“As an electrician, I know firsthand that education and job training is not one-size-fits-all. A registered apprenticeship program shaped my life – laying the foundation for me to go from construction work to Congress.”
Sep 4 2020
News Release
“This remarkable man, with South Jersey roots, understood the American workforce is our greatest asset.”