Congressman Donald Norcross

Representing the 1st District of New Jersey
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Veterans and men and women in the military selflessly answered the call to serve, putting their lives on the line for our freedom and security. When they return home from duty, our veterans deserve access to the best America has to offer and the freedom of choice they fought to protect. Whether 3 days or 30, no veteran should have to wait longer than civilians to see a doctor when they are sick.

The Veterans Freedom of Healthcare Act allows veterans to get the quality care they deserve when they need it. We also owe it to our heroes to connect them with an affordable education and employment opportunities, particularly those that build on their existing skill sets. Finally, we must preserve and honor the great legacy of our service members, past and present, as a reminder of the values and sacrifice that built our nation.

More on Veterans

Mar 19 2020
News Release
In light of the ongoing global outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), many veterans have been asking questions about what the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and its medical facilities are doing to protect and care for veterans during the outbreak.
Feb 12 2020
News Release
“Military families face unique challenges during their service to our nation, and unfortunately deployments and frequent moves can often lead to financial insecurity.”
Nov 7 2019
News Release
“Our veterans risk their lives for our freedom, and they should be afforded every opportunity to succeed as civilians. These well-trained, highly-skilled servicemembers are uniquely qualified to succeed in registered apprenticeship programs where they can learn and earn on the path to a rewarding career.”
Jun 25 2019
News Release
"Every family knows their personal budget reflects their priorities. The same is true for the federal government’s budget."
Jun 13 2019
News Release
"I’m proud to have voted to strengthen and modernize our military to build a strong national defense, support service members and their families and grow our nation’s workforce."
Jun 10 2019
News Release
“In order to improve the VA, we must empower our civil servants who are on the frontlines standing up for our veterans day in and day out."
Jun 7 2019
News Release
"I’m constantly in awe of the sacrifices made by the greatest generation in the name of freedom and that was reinforced during this trip."
Mar 21 2019
News Release
"We must make sure the brave men and women who risk their lives to protect our country and communities are provided with top-notch, comprehensive health screenings."
Feb 8 2019
News Release
"Just like so many of our friends and family members, tens of thousands of veterans are unfortunately battling addiction and they certainly deserve access to the care they need and have earned."
Jan 10 2019
News Release
“We should do everything in our power to lift the spirits of the brave men and women who are serving our country overseas – not place obstacles in the way of those trying to support our troops.”