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Davis Sits-In on House Floor

Congressman Danny K. Davis Sits In on House Floor
Congressman Danny K. Davis (D-IL07) joined this with other House members this morning (EST) demanding an opportunity to vote on gun legislation aimed at preventing individuals who are on the no-fly list from buying guns and insisting on closing loopholes in background checks for buying guns.
Davis stated: "I have participated in so many moments of silence on this House floor for victims of gun violence that I have lost count.  I have been to so many funerals for young people lost to gun violence in my District that I have lost count.  I have lost count of how many of my constituents have come to me over the years, overwhelmed with grief, unable to pay for the funeral of a loved one lost to gun violence.  Those moments of silence have, in fact, now metastasized into a cancer of silence, a wall of silence imposed on this Congress by a few, who have seized on their interpretation the Second Amendment as their right to silence the vast majority of the American people, as their right to deny the peoples' representatives to even vote on gun legislation.  Every amendment to the Constitution has some reasonable limitations imposed because in the real world sometimes rights can come into conflict.  In real life in America, the right to own weapons of war, the right of persons who pose an real threat to the lives of other Americans to own a gun now outweigh the right of the American people to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  So I have decided to take this extraordinary action, along with over 160 member of the House and dozens of members of the U.S. Senate, of sitting in on the House floor until we are permitted to debate and vote on this issue on the floor of the House, the place which, under our constitution, is supposed to be closest to the people."

Congressman Davis remains on the House floor at this hour.  It is uncertain what actions will be taken by the Speaker of the House in the coming hours in response to the sit-in.

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    p. (202) 225-5006
    f. (202) 225-5641
    Chicago Office 2815 W. Fifth Avenue
    Chicago, Illinois 60612
    p. (773) 533-7520
    f. (844) 274-0426

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    Comments (optional)
    repName Danny K. Davis  
    helpWithFedAgencyAddress Chicago District Office
    2813-15 W. Fifth Avenue
    Chicago, Illinois 60612
    district 7th District of Illinois  
    academyUSCitizenDate July 1, 2017  
    academyAgeDate July 1, 2017  
    academyApplicationDueDate October 20, 2017  
    repStateABBR Il  
    repDistrict 7  
    repState Illinois  
    repDistrictText 7th  
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