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As we fight the COVID-19 pandemic together, know that my office is here to help you get answers and keep you informed. My goal for this section of my website is to help point you to the most up-to-date resources and information on the situation nationwide and in the Fourth District of Oklahoma.

The federal government continues to put its full weight into fighting COVID-19 and dealing with the wide-reaching consequences, but remember that winning this war requires the collective effort of every American. Continue heeding the guidance outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the President’s Coronavirus Task Force ( as well as updates provided locally by the Oklahoma State Department of Health ( That means practicing social distancing, thoroughly and frequently washing your hands, not touching your face and daily disinfecting surfaces.

You can call my office at (405) 329-6500, send an email or sign up to participate in a future telephone town hall meeting. I will also provide regular updates on my Facebook and Twitter pages and in my e-newsletter

We can and will get through this together.


Tom Cole signature


What is COVID-19?
Constituent Conversations

Small Businesses
Rebate Checks
Americans Abroad