Congressman Donald Norcross

Representing the 1st District of New Jersey
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Since the birth of our country, the cornerstone of the American dream has been opportunity. In the 21st century, access to that opportunity requires access to a high quality education system that allows students to compete in the global economy. We have a duty to provide everyone with access to a robust educational pipeline from preschool through high school to ensure that they have the opportunity to grow and pursue their full potential.

Finally, the key to achieving success in a modern economy is higher education. American students have access to the best higher educational opportunities available, including traditional four year colleges, apprenticeships and other technical training; but they deserve the opportunity to improve their career prospects without becoming burdened by debt.  

More on Education

Nov 20 2020
News Release
"The National Apprenticeship Act is a vital investment in our most successful workforce training program where workers can earn while they learn, and I am pleased that five of my apprenticeship bills have been incorporated."
Nov 18 2020
News Release
“As the country continues to face an economic crisis and changing workforce, we must continue to innovate and ensure students and workers have the skills they need – and this bill will do just that."
Nov 13 2020
News Release
"American Training Center’s innovative programs provide students and workers the ability to pursue apprenticeship opportunities right here in South Jersey."
Sep 17 2020
News Release
“As an electrician, I know firsthand that education and job training is not one-size-fits-all. A registered apprenticeship program shaped my life – laying the foundation for me to go from construction work to Congress.”
Jul 29 2020
News Release
“I was once a single dad, working in construction, and back then, it was hard to find affordable, quality child care. Today, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s nearly impossible."
Jul 1 2020
News Release
“In Congress, my top three priorities are jobs, education and security, and this bill’s infrastructure investments check all three of those boxes.”
Jun 22 2020
News Release
"In Congress, my top three priorities are jobs, education and security, and this sweeping legislation checks all three boxes."
Jun 10 2020
News Release
“Katherine’s painting beautifully depicts the sacrifice families make when their loved ones go to war, sometimes never returning home.”
May 22 2020
News Release
"The work being done at both Rowan and Rutgers–Camden will allow the facilities to support coronavirus-related programs and train our local workforce, as well as students, on how to work best during a pandemic."
May 15 2020
News Release
“This is about response, relief and recovery: Improving our response by greatly expanding testing, providing relief for families and getting us on the path to a safe, responsible recovery."