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FY2011 Appropriations Requests

*Below are funding requests to the Appropriations Committee.  Funding for these projects has not been secured.


Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy - Baringer Stream Resotration - $165,000

1299 Trevilian Way, Louisville, KY 40213

Through this funding, the organization will stabilize eroding and incised banks through bio-engineering, plant native vegetation the length of the stream channel, install instream structures such as j-hooks and cross vanes, install erosion control blankets with live stakes and toe/wood sod mat structures along the banks for stabilization, plant the floodplain area at the mouth of the stream with native bottomland hardwood trees, and install bankfull benches along Beargrass Creek at the confluence with Baringer Stream to allow Beargrass Creek flow access to the floodplain.

Cherokee Park is on the National Register of Historic Places as it was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and is one of only four such systems in the country.  Cherokee Park is one of the most heavily used parks in Louisville, and indeed in the nation, as it attracts over 500,000 visitors a year.  Baringer Stream is a small intermittent stream that originates within the park and discharges into Beargrass Creek within the boundaries of the park.  The receiving waters, the Middle Fork of Beargrass Creek, is listed on Kentucky’s 204 Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters for aquatic life and swimming.

Commerce - Justice - Science

American Veterans Association - Homeless Veterans Outreach Program - $100,000

416 West Muhammad Ali Blvd, Suite 201, Louisville, KY 40202

This funding will provide critical early intervention and prevention services through the outreach relationships to 250 "high-risk" homeless veterans.  This service will help give these veterans the opportunity to get back on their feet and become self-sufficient.

According to the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, male veterans are more likely to be homeless than their non-veteran peers. This program can offer support toward self-sufficiency and reduce the risk of repeat behavior that contributed to their homelessness.

Canaan Community Development Corporation - At-Risk Youth Education Initiative - $100,000

2840 Hikes Lane, Louisville, KY 40218

This funding will provide an educational and mentoring program serving male students attending Title I schools, at-risk of academic failure and/or juvenile delinquency.

This project meets OJJDP juvenile delinquency prevention goals by preventing at-risk youth from pursuing destructive behavior or criminal activities.

Center for Women and Families - Youth Violence Prevention Program - $500,000

P.O. Box 2048, Louisville, KY 40201

This funding will establish an Institute dedicated to eliminating power-based personal violence (sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, bullying, and stalking) by reaching at-risk children and youth in their formative years with primary prevention programming. The Institute will research, develop, implement and evaluate community-wide programs based on best practices, and disseminate effective models throughout our nation.

Primary prevention is the key to substantially reducing the rate at which children and youth experience violence.  Small efforts with private funding have shown promise and progress toward behavior change.  However, federal funding is needed to expand these efforts to the regional and national levels.

Jefferson County Sheriff's Office - Mobile Data Terminal Systems  - $375,000

531 Court Place Suite 501 Louisville, KY 40202

Add 75 Mobile Data Terminals (MDT's) to enhance interoperability, protection of the public and delivery of services.

Compliance with the Administrative Office of the Courts’ efforts to computerize the service of Emergency Protective Orders and Domestic Violence issued paperwork.   Enhance interoperability and become a source agency for updates to Federal databases.  Provide a mobile link to NCIC and Federal databases to help with crime control, law enforcement, homeland security, and safety of citizens.  Connecting deputies to central records management and Computer Aided Dispatch systems. Tracking and direct communication with employees.

Jefferson County Office of the Circuit Court Clerk  - Eletronic Enhancement and Integration of Justice Information- $375,000

Brandeis Hall of Justice 600 W. Jefferson St. Louisville, KY 40202

This project involves the strategic planning, development, and implementation of web-based applications to integrate and expand access to court information among justice partners in Louisville Metro, advancing the administration of justice and quality of service to our citizens and laying the foundation for future information-sharing and e-filing initiatives.

The current administration has been clear that it is a federal priority to make government work for its citizens by ensuring that the methods used to deliver critical services achieve their intended purposes.  Through its funding priorities for enhanced information-sharing initiatives in the justice arena, the federal government has recognized the need for community-level justice partners to efficiently access and share information in order to facilitate the administration of justice and ensure the safety and welfare of the public it serves.  The funding of this project is in perfect alignment with these federal priorities for justice.  This project advances the effective and efficient administration of justice in Louisville Metro to better serve and protect its citizens by expanding access among justice partners to electronic court information and by creating integrated systems which ensure restitution for crime victims.

Louisville Metropolitan Police Department - Mobile Data Computers - $500,000

633 West Jefferson Street Louisville, KY 40202

This funding will be used to purchase new mobile data computers which will replace outdated and unable to be repaired or upgraded equipment to be compatible with current programs being used by the Louisville Metropolitan Police Department.

MDT systems provide officers with immediate access to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) which is used to locate fugitives, terrorism suspects, gang members, and endangered persons reported missing from across the United States.

St. Stephen Family Life Center - Youth Mentoring Program - $150,000

1508 W. Kentucky St.  Louisville, KY 40210

St. Stephen Family Life Center: The funds will now go to St. Stephen's initiative which assists middle and high school youth in attaining the necessary tools and resources required to achieve academic excellence and personal success.

This project will mentor at-risk youth and promote education and community involvement. The funding will further the federal government's goals of providing support for at-risk youth.


Below are funding requests to the Defense Authorization Appropriations Act in FY11.  Funding for these projects has not been secured.(listed in alphabetical order, by recipient):

Commonwealth of Kentucky (on behalf of the universities of Kentucky and Louisville) - Advanced Battery Manufacturing Research and Development - $5,000,000

12th Capital Plaza Tower Frankfort, KY  40601

In overseas combat operations, the Department of Defense continues to rely heavily on foreign oil for the operation of combat vehicles.  Procuring gasoline is expensive and difficult to protect. To remedy this problem, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, on behalf of the Universities of Kentucky and Louisville, proposes to establish a Battery Manufacturing R&D Center which will produce technology that will ultimately allow DOD to instead rely upon American-made batteries for combat operations.  The center will focus on the development and integration of manufacturing technology for energy storage applications.  The overarching objective of this proposed project is to define and quantify optimal scalable manufacturing processes and operating conditions that will enable the translation of novel battery and ultracapacitor materials discoveries into technology to support cost-effective electrification of the transportation sector.  A critical issue that must be addressed is the scalability and manufacturability of these novel materials and processes to support large-volume domestic manufacturing. To these ends, the universities will expand existing and establish new capabilities in the area of battery/capacitor manufacturing R&D, including improvements in facilities and development of human capital.  The Universities will partner with Argonne National Laboratory and draw upon its current leadership position in battery research, a broad-based, basic and applied research, development, and engineering program centered on advanced battery and energy storage materials and systems for both mobile and stationary applications, combining talents to provide a synergistic capability spanning basic battery material research to deployed technologies and manufacturing processes and tools.

Electrification of the nation’s light vehicle fleet has great potential for reducing oil imports and significantly reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transportation sector.  Advanced batteries are the critical component to enabling this transformation.  While the U.S. still maintains leadership in advanced battery technology, nearly all high volume, advanced battery manufacturers are located in Asia.  As a result, the U.S. has limited battery manufacturing capability and a limited supply of trained battery engineers, scientists, and line workers.  Unaddressed, this situation will lead to eventual decline in U.S. leadership in advanced battery technology.


Jewish Hospital & St. Mary's Foundation -  Composite Tissue Allotransplantation - $5,000,000

200 Abraham Flexner Way, Louisville, KY 40202

The overall goal of this research is to move Composite Tissue Allotransplantation (CTA) from a promising experimental procedure to routinely applied standard-of-care treatment for catastrophic injury and loss of tissue.  Because of previous federal appropriations, we have established Louisville as the preeminent center for hand transplantation in the United States, and have the world’s first successful hand transplant and the world’s longest experience in caring for hand transplant recipients. The functional and cosmetic results of CTA have far exceeded early expectations, and now more than 50 hands and eight faces have been transplanted worldwide. 

Members of the U.S. military are suffering numerous limb injuries in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.  Currently, amputation and prosthetic devices are the only standard of care options for the returning war fighters.  If this research is proven and becomes a standard of care, transplantation, particularly for upper extremities, will become an option.

National Foundation to Support Cell Transplant Research - Tolerance for Transplanted Organs and Tissue - $5,000,000

333 East Main St, Louisville, KY 40202

The goal of this proposal is to support and care for those injured soldiers who have suffered from massive tissue or limb loss and allow their safe return to active duty. These funds will support clinical trials and basic research in the development of a platform approach to safely induce tolerance for transplanted organs and tissue. Tolerance, the ability of a transplant recipient’s immune system to recognize transplanted tissue as self, rather than foreign, dramatically reduces or eliminates entirely the need for expensive lifelong anti-rejection medications and their debilitating side effects. The ability to transplant large areas of tissue - without the toxic anti-rejection drugs required to prevent rejection - would benefit thousands of people who have suffered burns or massive tissue loss, including limb loss. The approach for which funds are requested uses a modified bone marrow transplant enhanced by the presence of graft facilitating cells (FC), a unique set of cells discovered by principal investigator Dr. Suzanne Ildstad. The Department of Defense identifies tolerance as a critical research priority and has singled out Dr. Ildstad and the Institute for Cellular Therapeutics as a model funding project.

While only 1 in 10 injured soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have died, 6 percent of those wounded have required amputations, twice as many as those seen in previous wars.  In addition to lost limbs, many soldiers have massive head and neck injuries with severe disfiguration as the result of explosive devices.  The research and clinical applications resulting from this body of research are directly applicable to, and support, our nation’s responsibility for the care and support of injured soldiers in the United States military and allow many to return to active duty.  Not only will this work impact American soldiers, it will directly benefit those citizens suffering from diseases that would most certainly benefit from tolerance induction for modified bone marrow.  Among the more than 60 autoimmune disorders suffered by Americans nationwide, over 2.1 million suffer from diabetes and over 400,000 are afflicted with multiple sclerosis.  Among the inherited red blood cell disorders, nearly 100,000 American children live with the debilitating effects of sickle cell disease alone.

University of Louisville Research Foundation -  Cardiopulmonary Damage from Air Pollution - $2,000,000

Jouett Hall, Suite 100, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292

The overall goal of this project is to understand the mechanism by which exposure to air pollutants affects cardiovascular health.  Our working hypothesis is that exposure to toxic air pollutants establishes a state of low-grade inflammation that prevents wound-healing and vascular regeneration by decreasing the mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and/or their reparative potential.  The results of this study will be particularly relevant to military personnel who are wounded and simultaneously exposed to high levels of air toxics.

Every year, almost 1 million Americans die of heart disease – the single biggest killer in this country. There are ~1.3 million new heart attacks and ~600,000 new cases of heart failure each year in America.   The prognosis of heart failure remains dismal, with only 50% of patients with advanced disease surviving at 1 year. The results of this study will be of significance to DOD since air toxics such as acrolein, butadiene, and formaldehyde are common products of combustion and achieve very high (lethal) concentrations near natural and man-made fires, particularly in enclosed areas and buildings.  The University of Louisville is a leader in the study of toxic pollution on cardiovascular function.

University of Louisville Research Foundation - Radio Frequency Identification Technologies - $2,000,000

Jouett Hall, Suite 100, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292

Operating under the CELDi umbrella, the RFID Tech Center will focus on the development of next generation models and algorithms to design operate and manage the logistical system efficiently and effectively using the continuously generated data in direct response to new, constantly changing information that is being supplied by the two technologies. Organizations can use the RFID and GPS technologies and the underlying models and decision support systems to develop effective and efficient supply chains that transfer products seamlessly and smoothly over the entire distribution network, even in the face of fast changing information, and disturbances caused by forces internal or external to the system (e.g., hurricane-related disruptions, instability in fuel supply, and disruptions due to hostile enemy activity).

In fiscal year 2005, the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) distributed almost $32 billion in goods and services worldwide. The DLA continually seeks to reduce costs and improve delivery times to its customers and field personnel.  The University of Louisville, RFID Tech Center will focus on the development of next generation models and algorithms to design, operate and manage the logistical system efficiently and effectively.

University of Louisville Research Foundation - Regenerative Strategies to Promote Wound Healing and Tissue Repair - $2,500,000

Jouett Hall, Suite 100, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292

The overall goal of this project is to develop new and innovative strategies to improve wound healing and promote tissue repair. The results of this research will enhance our understanding of wound healing and lead to the development of effective therapies for enhancing wound healing and tissue repair, particularly in combat personnel.

The health of the American people is a crucial concern of the federal government.  This is even more pronounced in our active military personnel.  If this work proves to be successful, it will provide a means to improve wound healing and tissue damage more efficiently leading to lower mortality rates among our battlefield soldiers.

Energy and Water

Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District - Metropolitan Louisville, Mill Creek Basin, KY - $430,000

P.O. Box 59 - Louisville, KY 40201

The funding would be used to complete feasibility work consisting of surveying, geotechnical investigations, hydraulic modeling, dam design, etc.

Initial studies were conducted in FY06 to access hydrology, extent of floodplain, and potential damages to infrastructure.  New mapping shows there are more structures in the floodplain than previous analyses showed - up to 5,000 homes and businesses - increasing the importance and urgency of progress on the project.

Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District - Metropolitan Louisville, Southwest, KY - $250,000

P.O. Box 59 - Louisville, KY 40201

A feasibility level study is being performed to evaluate measures to reduce flood damages in Southwest Louisville. This funding will initiate design on a plan incorporating non-structural measures plus strategically-located detention basins will reduce 90 percent of flooding damages in the study area.

The highly urbanized flood plain of the Southwest Louisville study area includes the main campus of the University of Louisville, as well as the Churchill Downs neighborhood, site of the historic Churchill Downs race course.  The frequency of flooding has increased over the last few years as a result of overland and combined storm sewer overflows. It is estimated that average annual damages in the study area exceed $2,000,000.

Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District - Pond and Mill Creek Recreation Trail, KY - $500,000

P.O. Box 59 - Louisville, KY 40201

This funding would initiate a feasibility study for a trail system that would connect the Pond Creek and Mill Creek corridors to the Jefferson Memorial Forest and the Ohio River Levee Trail. The importance of Pond Creek and Mill Creek corridor was estabilished early on by the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District along with Louisville Metro Parks while working on several projects to reduce flooding, restore ecosystems and stabilize streambanks along Pond Creek and Mill Creek within the watershed.

The Pond Creek and Mill Creek trail system will expand the ring of multi-use trails around Louisville Metro into more residential and commercial areas of southwest Jefferson County and provide access to the Jefferson Memorial Forest, the nation's largest urban forest, as well as a number of other parks. This project will help attract high quality jobs to the area, provide worldclass recreational opportunities for current and future citizens, provide opportunities for alternative transportation, and enhance the natural environment.

Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District - Metropolitan Louisville, Beargrass Creek, KY - $500,000

P.O. Box 59 - Louisville, KY 40201

This project will restore the aquatic ecosystem at the mouth of Beargrass Creek.  This project consists of creating small ox-bow wetlands at a city park.

This project will restore the ecosystem Eva Bandman Park in Louisville, KY, bring high-quality jobs to the area, and enhance the natural environment while providing world-class recreational opportunities for current and future citizens.

Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District - Metropolitan Louisville Pumping Station  - $500,000

P.O. Box 59 - Louisville, KY 40201

This funding would be used to prepare a cost-shared feasibility study to reconstruct aging pump stations, which are used to protect the City of Louisville from flooding by the Ohio River.

The Corps of Engineers planned and implemented flood damage reduction projects in Louisville between March 1947 and March 1956.  The Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer Distric maintains and operates the levees  and floodwalls along with 16 flood pumping stations.  10 of these stations have been in service for sixty years or longer, and for the most part continue to operate with original equipment.  This project will help protect property valued in excess of $1 billion at risk.

City of Louisville - Science Education Program - $200,000

1100 Trevilian Way Louisville, KY 40213

This funding will support educational programming and related equipment needs for the new science curriculum that focuses on ecosystems. The technological interfaces used in this project will allow scientific information to be conveyed interactively to classrooms and professional development trainings across the state.

The federal government has a fiduciary duty to support quality science education to children, provide teachers with training, and assist local communties gain economic traction. New programming for this project will be an essential resource for conservation, education, and produce 400 new jobs.

Family Scholar House - Green Roof Initiative -  $500,000

403 Reg Smith Circle, Louisville, KY 40208

This program will design and implement energy conservation measures, including green roofs.  This project will also provide environmental education opportunities for participants and their community.

As the federal government invests in a new green economy, we must education businesses and citizens about energy efficient technologies.  This project will advance the federal government's efforts to provide educational tools to reduce energy use and utilize energy conservation methods.

University of Louisville Research Foundation - Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Program at the University of Louisville - $350,000

The long-term goal is an integrated partnership between UofL, the local offices of the National Weather Service (NWS), and UPS to establish a research acility in atmospheric science in the Department of Physics and Astronomy to meet the growing need to expand the understanding of regional climatic changes through the use of modern modeling and forecasting methods associated with atmospheric studies and meteorology due to Louisville's strategic location. UofL students would be able to intern at UPS and experience "real life" activities associated with a career in meteorology. This will be an educational and research enterprise, and students and faculty will engage in atmospheric research of strategic interest both regionally and nationally. The funding requested will establish the laboratory and computer facilities necessary for interface with the NWS for the proposed training and research partnership. Additionally, funding may be used for set-up costs for research laboratories for newly recruited faculty being brought into the program.

With the increasing recognition of the potential catastrophic consequences of global warming, atmospheric science and meteorology may play an even larger role in strategically important issues confronting the US and global economies. In addition, local, regional and international businesses, government agencies, and the military have the same need for accurate and reliable weather forecasting to ensure the safe and efficient movement of commodities and strategically important materials.

Financial Services

Center for Women and Families - Financial Literacy Initiative - $375,000

P.O. Box 2048, Louisville, KY 40201

The program will educate and empower individuals to reach financial independence, develop an ability to achieve financial goals, prioritize saving over spending and have a better overall understanding of the value of money. This initiative will address savings, credit, investment, and cash flow management.

Financial literacy and education has come to the forefront of the discussion of how to fully respond to the effects of the national economic recession.  Mounting debt and lack of understanding of personal investment and saving among Americans were likely factors in the severe impact of the economic downturn, and have made it difficult for families to restore their own finances.  Federal funding for this project will address the issues of finanacial illiteracy at a critical time in our economic recovery.


City of Middletown - Middletown Sewer System Improvements - $625,000

P.O. Box 43048, Middletown, KY 40253

The City of Middletown and the Metropolitan Sewer District are working together to improve the sewer systems in eastern Jefferson County and would open up 180 acres of land for development and allow existing residents and businesses currently using septic systems to connect to the project.

This project is essential to maintaining the waterways and water treatment plants of Kentucky, which are currently in a state of disrepair.

Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District - Camp Taylor Sanitary Sewer System Improvements  - $500,000

700 West Liberty Street, Louisville, KY 40203-1911

The Camp Taylor Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Project consists of a detailed television inspection, smoke and dye testing, and since some of the sewer records are not complete, mapping is required for some of the estimated 59,000 linear feet of 8-inch diameter sewer pipes.  This project is part of the Integrated Overflow Abatement Plan (IOAP) in response to MSD’s Consent Decree with US EPA and the Kentucky DEP.

This project is essential to maintaining the waterways and water treatment plants of Kentucky, which are currently in a state of disrepair.

Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District - Mellwood Avenue Pump Station - $1,000,000

700 West Liberty Street, Louisville, KY 40203-1911

The Mellwood Avenue Pumping Station is a documented sanitary sewer overflow.  MSD’s consent decree requires this pumping station to be replaced.  This station is undersized for wet weather flow, therefore is at risk of flooding from the Muddy Fork of Beargrass Creek, as well as from the Ohio River. The Integrated Overflow Abatement Plan recommends that the existing station be replaced with a 3.5 million gallons per day pumping station, as well as replacement of the existing 6-inch force main with a new 15-inch force main.

This project is essential to maintaining the waterways and water treatment plants of Kentucky, which are currently in a state of disrepair.

Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District - I-64 and Grinstead CSO Basin - $1,000,000

700 West Liberty Street, Louisville, KY 40203-1911

The project has been generated out of need to eliminate a majority of the combined sewer overflow events at this location to eight times per year. The preliminary intention for the basin is to construct an underground, covered, gravity in, gravity out, off line storage basin. The basin is to be located generally between Lexington Road and I-64 near the Grinstead interchange. Sewers will need to be constructed to route the flow from the existing sewer to the new basin.

This project is essential to maintaining the waterways and water treatment plants of Kentucky, which are currently in a state of disrepair.


Jefferson Community and Technical College - Distance Learning Nursing Bridge Program - $325,000

109 East Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202

Program is intended to expand capacity for nursing education by implementing an on-line Practical Nurse (PN) to Associated Degree Nurse (AND) Bridge Program, through the use of new technologies, including simulation and distance learning.  The purpose is to address the shortage of registered nurses, particularly in underserved areas of Kentucky, by strengthening and expanding the capacity for nurse education.

This project furthers the federal government's commitment to job creation, along with long-standing support for nursing education.  Job opportunities for Registered Nurses are expected to soar above all other occupations through 2014.

Kosair Children's Hospital Foundation - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Expansion and Renovation - $2,000,000

234 East Gray Street, Suite 450, Louisville, KY 40202

This funding will be used to expand and renovate the neonatal unit in order to decrease infant morbidity, the average length of stay, and hospital costs.

Kosair Children's Hospital is the only full-service, free-standing pediatric hospital in Kentucky. It is the primary referral center for pediatric tertiary care in Kentucky and Southern Indiana and operates the region's only Level I pediatric trauma center.  About 66 percent of all inpatient children cared for at the hospital are on Medicaid, have

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