Schools with Potential COVID-19 Exposures

The data on this page represent information collected through contract tracing. Location information is gathered by asking cases to recall locations visited in the 14 days preceding symptom onset or specimen collection if symptoms are not present.  The location name and type of location are entered into a centralized database called Salesforce®.

School data show the number of confirmed and probable cases who listed a school as a place visited, but that does not mean it is where they were infected. Only schools where names have been provided  are included. 

Data completeness is affected by several factors, including ability to reach cases, willingness of cases to report location information, completeness of the location information provided, and differentiation in how contact tracers interpret and enter information provided.

Data for Chicago Public Schools are tracked separately. These data are subject to change as contact tracers enter new information.

Data includes information elicited from cases opened within the previous 30 days from date of update. Data will be updated weekly.

Date last updated: ##/##/####



Select County:

Schools with Potential COVID-19 Exposures from Contact Tracing


Schools include both public and private schools.

NOTE for Chicago: Only facility-associated COVID-19 cases reported to CDPH and investigated in Salesforce and REDCap within the last 30 days are represented below. This list does not correlate with or suggest transmission of COVID-19 within a school setting. “Facility-associated” refers to COVID-19 cases that occurred when the facility is in session (students present) AND one of the following: 

  • The case was in the facility during their infectious period (2 days prior to 10 days after symptom onset or test date); OR
  • The case was in the facility within 14 days of an infectious case.