
California COVID-19, By The Numbers:

🔹 Confirmed cases to date: 1,110,370
🔹 Note: Numbers may not represent true day-over-day change as reporting of test results can be delayed


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Números del #COVID19 en California:

🔹 Casos confirmados hasta el día de hoy: 1,110,370
🔹 Nota: Es posible que los números no representen los cambios verdaderos de un día a otro, ya que el informe de los resultados de las pruebas puede retrasarse.

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Image may contain: text that says 'California COVID-19 By the Numbers November 23, 2020 Numbers as November 22, 2020 COVID-19 Cases 1,110,370 (+8,337) Fatalities 18,726 (+50) Ages of Confirmed Cases 122,672 662,497 0-17 18-49 208, 208,339 50-64 115,905 65+ Gender of Confirmed Cases 957 Unknown/Missing 562,480 Female 539,261 Male Hospitalizations 8,629 Unknown/Missing Confirmed COVID-19 Suspected COVID-19 5,459 Hospitalized 1,333 in ICU 795 Hospitalized Your actions save lives. 122 in ICU JCDPH'
Image may contain: text that says 'Números del COVID-19 en California 23 de noviembre, 2020 Números hasta 22 de noviembre 2020 COVID-19 Casos 1,110,370 (+8,337) Defunciones 18,726 (+50) 122,672 0-17 Edades de los confirmados/positivos: 662,497 208,339 18-49 50-64 115,905 65+ Género de los casos confirmados/positivos: 957 Desconocida 562,480 Mujeres 539,261 Hombres Hospitalizaciones 8,629 Desconocida Casos Confirmados de COVID-19 Csos Sospechosos de COVID-19 5,459 Hospitalizados 1,333 UCI 795 Hospitalizados Tus acciones salvan vidas. 122 UCI JCDPH'

#COVID19 is on the rise. Keep the numbers down by staying close to home. Only travel if essential.

If you travel:
1. Wear a mask
2. Physical distance...
3. Self-quarantine for 14 days upon returning to #California

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Image may contain: text that says '#TravelCOVIDsafe Don't Bring COVID-19 Home Travel Only if Essential Visit JCDPH'
Aquí un breve mensaje de la Dra. Nadine Burke Harris, Cirujana General de California, sobre la importancia de la vacuna contra la influenza. Visita para más información #JuntosCombatimosLaInfluenza
🎃 Happy Halloween! Please remember to follow guidance and enjoy safer, alternative celebrations that don’t spread coronavirus to your family and in your community. For some alternatives go to #YourActionsSaveLives
Just because Halloween will look different this year doesn’t mean you can’t look the part. 🧙 Use the following guidelines as a jumping-off point when deciding how to dress up this year. 🎃 Low risk: Taking your costume contest online with a video platform – A great way to show off costumes to loved ones from the comfort of your couch ⚠️ Moderate risk: Having an outdoor costume gathering or decorative car parade with neighbors – Keep the spooky spirit alive while also keeping a safe physical distance, and don’t forget to wear a mask 🔴 High risk: Hosting an indoor costume party with people from outside of your household – Avoid this option like you avoid the creepy graveyard around the block. 😷 Important reminder: Don’t double up with costume masks over regular face coverings because costume masks may make it hard to breathe. Instead, consider matching your protective mask to your outfit. #YourActionsSaveLives