Wearing a mask is not a political statement. It is a simple way of saying: I value the lives around me. Today I put on my mask – as an act of public health, of compassion, care and respect.
Fairness in Orphan Drug Exclusivity Act
Happy Veterans Day!

More stimulus checks would get American families and our economy back on track. According to the Urban Institute, two additional stimulus checks could help keep about 14 million people out of poverty.

Economists agree and so do most of my colleagues. Enough talk, let's get relief to the American people already.

This administration has made it difficult to conduct a peaceful transfer of power but let this be clear: your members of Congress are proactive during this transition and staying in regular touch with inspectors general & record-keeping officials and Trump will only be President until January 20.

Thank you Congressman Sean Casten, Rep. Jamie Raskin, Representative Jim Himes, Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon, Rep. Lauren Underwood, Congressman Brad Schneider, Congressman Jared Huffman, Congressman Tom Malinowski, and Rep. Jason Crow for collaborating on this piece.