Rule Debate on H.R. 205 Florida Coastal Protection Act to Ban Oil Drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
The Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Civilian Security, and Trade hearing on human rights in Cuba

Please join me in wishing our military servicemen and women a most meaningful and thoughtful Veterans Day. Today we honor our country’s veterans who have sacrificed so greatly so that we can be free of tyranny and persecution. From the Battle of Bunker Hill to the cold Christmas at the Battle of the Bulge, to the rice fields of Vietnam and the mountains of Afghanistan, our Veterans have always, and will continue to, uphold our motto as the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”

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Congratulations to President-elect Biden on a successful and hard fought campaign. All Americans need to come together in supporting President- elect Biden. Our nation will only be successful if the new administration is. We must work together to enact bipartisan legislation and solve the problems which our country faces - that is how our system of government works. We have more that unite us than divide us, and now that the heat of battle has drawn to a close we must come together for the betterment of all our citizens.
