Tax Day has a new meaning with Donald J. Trump as President. I have tirelessly fought to make the most out of the benefits and bonuses received from President Donald J. Trump's historic tax cuts. That is why I will continue to fight for the CRUMBS Act so even more hardworking Hoosiers can benefit! #TaxDay2018
There are 1.2 million employees in Indiana who work for small businesses. Because of President Donald J. Trump's historic tax cuts, small businesses can now invest more in their people, increase benefits, buy and update new equipment, and create more jobs. Thank you President Donald J. Trump! #SmallBusinessWeek
Ours is the best military in the world. The House passage of the NDAA today ensures that our troops have the resources, care, and pay they need, and deserve, to protect us. The NDAA will allow the Air Force, Army, Navy, Army Guard and Reserve, Naval and Air Reserve, and Air Guard to bolster their readiness and serve their mission of protecting our nation after nearly a decade of serious neglect by the Obama Administration. The bill also provides needed reforms to Washington bureaucracies that promoted wasteful spending.

Since my term has ended this official congressional account can no longer be updated. Please visit Todd Rokita to continue the dialogue of keeping America Exceptional!

‪It has been the highest honor of my life serving the state I love as your Congressman the past 8 years. Hoosiers are the best of Americans, and we have Indiana’s very best in our district. Thank you!‬