Today, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Mick Mulvaney released the below statement following the President’s signature of the Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2019:

“From day one, President Donald J. Trump has made it clear that we must prioritize funding for our national defense and those who serve to protect us each day. Today, the President signed legislation that makes critical investments in our military, our veterans, and our Nation’s infrastructure. This signals to our veterans, men and women in uniform and their families that the Nation stands behind them as they risk everything to protect our freedoms as Americans. The Administration worked closely with Congress to deliver historic funding levels for the Department of Veterans Affairs, modernize the VA health record system, provide new homes for military families, and invest in a strong national nuclear security strategy.  It is evident that President Trump continues to keep his promises to prioritize our nation’s heroes while protecting hardworking American taxpayers.”