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Howard Baker: Courageous Leader and Congressional Cutup

In an op-ed, Rep. Yarmuth shares fond memories of working with Sen. Baker as a Senate staffer in the 1970s. 

Transportation Secretary Foxx stumps for road spending

Rep. Yarmuth joined Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx in Louisville to tour the Ohio River Bridges Project and push for new federal investment in infrastructure. 

CJ: Yarmuth and the mountaintop removal mining debate

Rep. John Yarmuth waved powerful evidence in front of his colleagues in the House last week: A bottle of orange water. "This bottle is filled with water from a well near a mountaintop removal mining operation in Eastern Kentucky," the Louisville Democrat said.

The Hill: Republican Budget isn't going anywhere

Rep. Yarmuth talks about the radical cuts included in the Republican Budget. 

WFPL: Congressman John Yarmuth calls for minimum wage hike

Republican leaders in the House have refused to allow a vote on legislation to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour. 

WAVE-3: Renewed Sheppard Square opens first phase

“I was proud to help secure the federal investment that, along with private-sector buy-in, is helping transform this area into a place of optimism and prosperity for both residents and businesses," Yarmuth said. 

WFPL: Louisville’s Simmons College gets national accreditation

Simmons College of Kentucky becomes state’s first private, historically black college to receive national accreditation. 

LEO: Federal judge strikes down Kentucky’s ban on recognizing same-sex marriages from other states

“Today’s ruling is an important step forward in the march toward recognition of all marriages under the law and full equality in our Commonwealth," Yarmuth said. 

Yarmuth emerges as rising Democratic star, GOP scourge

Whether it’s on the air or on the House floor, Yarmuth has challenged the Republican orthodoxy on spending, taxes and, most especially, health care. 

CJ: Yarmuth voices support for gun violence prevention on anniversary of Newtown massacre

On the first anniversary of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Rep. Yarmuth pledged to continue pressing for universal background checks for gun buyers while addressing gun violence prevention supporters in Louisville.

WDRB: Family Health Centers expanding

$6 million renovation project is supported through a $5 million federal grant, part of a series of capital investments made in community health centers through the Affordable Care Act. 

WHAS-11: Jobs fair seeks veterans post-deployment

Rep. Yarmuth's annual veterans jobs fair matches veterans with local employers.

Yarmuth op-ed: Letting big donors give more a defeat of democracy

We will never have a truly balanced budget or a more equitable tax system while the well-off and well-connected are allowed to control members of Congress and, in turn, key aspects of public debate.

MSNBC: Who's to blame for a government shutdown

Rep. Yarmuth: Republicans threatening a shutdown refuse to be part of a governing coalition. 

WFPL: Congressman Yarmuth lone Kentucky lawmaker to vote against $40 billion in food stamp cuts

House vote directly threatens the health and financial security of the more than 44,000 Louisville families who depend on nutrition assistance to put food on their tables. 

WDRB: Yarmuth shows support for Head Start program

Cuts to Head Start programs in Louisville demonstrate foolhardiness of across-the-board cuts to federal investments.  

Yarmuth op-ed: It's Easy to Lie about the Affordable Care Act

Opponents are using deceptive tactics to prevent Americans from accessing health care options under the Affordable Care Act. 

WFPL: Yarmuth decries lack of pay equity for women

Speaking on the House floor, Democratic Congressman John Yarmuth of Kentucky called on Congress to update the 1963 Equal Pay Act and guarantee pay equity for women in the workplace.

Business First: Construction set to begin on East End bridge

Yarmuth: “It was only because there were so many people who determined this was in the long-term best interest of both states and our collective communities that nobody gave up.”

One-stop manufacturing center for Louisville manufacturing jobs opens

“Louisville is a national leader in the revitalization of American manufacturing, and the Kentucky Manufacturing Career Center will help us continue to build on that progress,” Yarmuth said. “Connecting workers with good jobs and employers with a well-trained workforce will help Louisville families succeed in the 21st century economy.”

CJ: Medicaid health insurance to expand under Obamacare in Kentucky

Yarmuth: “There are thousands of Kentuckians whose lives have already been improved — and some saved — because of the Affordable Care Act.”

LEO: How sequestration will disproportionately affect low-income families, children and the elderly across Kentucky

While flight delays appear to be the only immediate effect of sequestration in the eyes of many in Congress, looming cuts on the horizon will soon threaten a large population across the country who can afford it the least.

The Nation: Stop the Appalachian crisis caused by mountaintop removal mining

The scientists’peer reviewed research was damning: mountain top removal, the practice of clearing mountaintops of trees and topsoil and then blasting them with explosives to reveal the coal seams underneath, is polluting the Appalachian watershed decreasing organism diversity, increasing flooding and contaminating ground water. The air’s in trouble too, leading to high rates of cancer, heart and respiratory disease.

CN|2: U.S. Senate's failure on gun bill will lead to public backlash and stronger reforms, Yarmuth says

The collapse of efforts in the U.S. Senate to expand background checks to more gun sales will inspire a renewed effort by Americans to push for reforms, predicted Democratic U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth of Louisville.

Congressman John Yarmuth Urges Senate to Pass Gun Background Checks

Speaking on the House floor Wednesday, Democratic Congressman John Yarmuth encouraged the Senate to pass legislation creating stricter background checks before purchasing a gun.

Yarmuth: Sequester hurts business

Kentucky U.S. Congressman John Yarmuth says the 85-billion dollars in cuts that have been imposed as a result of the federal budget sequester will hurt private business.

C-J: John Yarmuth Proposing Bill to Publicly Finance Campaigns

Yarmuth introduces campaign finance proposal to curb the influence of money in American politics.

Yarmuth Re-Introduces Muhammad Ali Legacy Act

Yarmuth re-introduces a bill to create a federal grant program inspired by Ali. 

C-J: Limit Rounds Weapons Can Carry

Yarmuth pledges to do everything in his power to reduce gun violence.

WFPL: Yarmuth Named to Education and Workforce Committee and Budget Committee

Rep. John Yarmuth will serve on the House Budget Committee and the House Education and Workforce Committee.

Sheppard Square Project About to Start

Officials will officially break ground on the $101 million Sheppard Square project in Louisville’s Smoketown neighborhood.

Three Louisville Banks Get Federal Funding

Rep. Yarmuth announced that three Louisville-based banks have received more than $670,000 in federal funding for their investments in distressed areas.

Spalding University Awarded $5.4 Million Federal Grant

Spalding University has received $5.4 million in federal grants to fund scholarships for disadvantaged students.

C-J: Two Montford Point Marines Receive Congressional Gold Medals in Louisville

Yarmuth presents two Louisville men with nation's highest civilian honor.

New Sheppard Square Houses Help to Build Hope

Construction begins on 310 unit at original Sheppard Square site.

Governor Beshear Orders Creation of Health Care Exchanges

Governor Beshear orders creation following Supreme Court decision.

Brownsboro Road Site Chosen for New VA Hospital

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has chosen site for a new, $883 million VA hospital.

Ruling Upholding Corporation Campaign Finance Likely KO's Kentucky Constitution Limits

Congressman Yarmuth responds to the Supreme Court decision to strike down a Montana law limiting corporate campaign spending.

Congressman Yarmuth Cosponsors the Appalachian Communities Health Emergency Act

Bill requires comprehensive studies on the health of people living near mountaintop removal mining operations.

Obama Administration Lifts Deportation Threat for Children Who Came to U.S.

Congressman Yarmuth joined Kentucky immigrants and advocates in hailing the Obama Administration's announcement.

Ford Officially Launches Escape Model

Ford Motor Company celebrates the official launch of the company's 2013 Escape model, a result of $5.9 billion in federal incentives.

Louisville Family Health Centers to Serve an Additional 10,000 With $5.4 Million Federal Grant

Family Health Centers in Louisville will receive about $5.4 million in federal grant money under the health care law, which will allow the low-cost clinics to serve about 10,000 more people.

John Yarmuth | 'Inaccuracies' In McConnell Op-Ed Should Be Corrected

The Courier-Journal publishes Rep. Yarmuth's letter to Sen. McConnell, calling for the Senator to correct his recent false claims about the Affordable Care Act's effects.

Op-ed: Words Matter, But Money Talks

In an op-ed in The Voice-Tribune, Rep. Yarmuth writes that with each passing day, money is doing more of the talking in our elections. Strengthening disclosure rules is key to mitigating the harmful effects of money in politics.

Yarmuth Hears Black Veterans' Concerns About Health Care, Unemployment

U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth met with more than 100 African-American veterans to discuss veterans’ issues and listen to concerns, The Courier-Journal reports.

Yarmuth op-ed: Calling on Citizens to Unite Against Citizens United

In an op-ed in The Courier-Journal, Rep. Yarmuth writes that the Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United case has damaged our political system, and he asks citizens to speak out against money in politics.

Energy Secretary Praises Louisville Ford Plants

Rep. Yarmuth joined U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu to discuss recent successes at Ford's Louisville plants, and the federal program that spurred more than $1.2 billion in new Ford investment and 3,100 new Louisville jobs.

Dozens of New Louisville Jobs with help of Federal Money

With unemployment levels still above 9% in Louisville, news of jobs is a welcomed announcement. Mayor Greg Fischer and Rep. John Yarmuth teamed up to tout dozens of new jobs at a west Louisville factory.

Yarmuth Applauds Ford, UAW Agreement

Responding to a new contract agreement between Ford Motor Company and Louisville’s local United Auto Workers, U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., praised the automobile company and its employees for coming together.

Yarmuth Demands Immediate End to Big Oil Subsidies

[...] Joining an effort to end giveaways, U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., announced his support of the Big Oil Welfare Repeal Act, which would revoke billions in tax subsidies given to oil companies.

Fischer, Yarmuth Attend KentuckianaWorks Graduation

[...]"It's not just something where we help them earn their way to a better life and you can't say that about every graduate from any program right now," Yarmuth said.

6,000 Brightside Volunteers Help Clean Up Louisville

[...] U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth, D-3rd District, applauded the church’s efforts both for helping to clean up the neighborhood and for helping Haiti. He said they could take pride in helping people hey’ve never even met. “This is what citizenship is all about,” Yarmuth said. “That’s what makes a great community.”

Arizona Shooting Inspires Louisville Red Cross to teach lifesaving skills

We are all vulnerable to a medical emergency, and we are all capable of being a hero in a medical emergency.That was the message from Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Louisville...

Fischer, Yarmuth announce Job Fair for teens

[...]"The showcase is a great chance for businesses in Louisville to be matched with eager and capable young people. This project gives young workers an invaluable head start in acquiring career skills, provides business owners with talented employees, and ultimately strengthens our community and our economy for the long-term," said Congressman John Yarmuth.

Students make valentines for vets

[...]This is a phenomenal thing for young people to show support for troops. I wanted to thank them, and it means so much for the men and women serving," said Yarmuth (D-KY 3rd).

Federal Grant Announced for Big Brother, Big Sister of Kentuckiana

[...]On this day, Atherton grad himself, Congressman John Yarmuth had to stop and say hello to Ben.  Yarmuth just landed $190,000 in federal money for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization. 

Yarmuth Says Message Will Be Clearer During New Health Care Debate

[...]"We couldn’t really go to the average American citizen and say, ‘Here’s what it means to you.’ Now we can do that and we can plan to continue do that and, more importantly, the President has made it clear to us that he intends to do that.”

 Louisville Seniors to Get Help With Prescription Drugs

Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., announced Thursday that at least 9,500 Louisvillians who are expected to fall into Medicare’s Prescription Drug “Donut Hole” coverage gap are eligible to receive a $250 rebate check to help them afford critically needed medicines as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that became law in March.

Yarmuth Reveals Legislation to Secure Jobs

Rep. John Yarmuth unveiled new legislation that will help make sure American workers and students are prepared to compete in the global economy and secure jobs for the future.

John Yarmuth is Trying to Create More Economic Development

(WHAS11)-Louisville representative John Yarmuth is trying to help create more economic development and will introduce new legislation to cut taxes for commercial real estate purchases.

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